2 - Ro | Hell does not have nice living conditions

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A/N: found this pic above of Rosier in his demon form xD

Today is the day. It is the day I earn my demon horns.

I graduated at the top of the class, and yet I have been assigned to only one human. I am more in control of my powers than most demons are, but Azazel—my senior demon—insisted upon it. According to him, the angel sent to guard this human boy is the most powerful angel to graduate this year. And his soul is her sole responsibility.

Excuse me, I did not mean to make a pun. How unprofessional.

Regardless, Azazel decided that he must send me to counter the work of this angel. I do not doubt that she must be remarkable, but I do continue to wonder why an angel as extraordinary as she has been assigned to look after the soul of one measly human.

We are lined up on the right side of the stage in the auditorium. It's a large space made entirely of black stone and onyx. There are no windows, of course, and the atmosphere is stuffy and uncomfortable—like how it is anywhere in hell. The path across the stage is made of hot coals with fire pits surrounding it, and decorative pyres are placed around the room. The nicest thing in the room is the large screen at the back of the stage, but it is framed with bloodied bones.

The smoke from the fire pits and pyres only add to the thick, choking air. It doesn't bother us demons very much since we are accustomed to it. But I breathe in so much smoke that I can now breathe fire at will. I do admit I would be glad to finally visit the human realm.

It's not that I don't enjoy living in hell, but you're not really supposed to enjoy it. Hell is full of drinking and drugs and gluttony and lust. It might not be the type of torture you've read about. But I would rather be flayed and burned inch by inch than have to attend another one of Satan's parties.

The human souls sent here seem to enjoy it at first, but they quickly tire of it once they realize there's no escape. They are stuck in the endless cycle of feasting till they can't move, drinking till they throw up, and dancing without break, other sweaty bodies gyrating besides them. Their heads are constantly spinning, hallucinating from all the drugs they're given.

I've heard that heaven is quite the opposite. Incredibly peaceful and serene, full of love and compassion and fulfillment. Azazel insists that heaven is absolutely boring. Personally, I'm certain any human would prefer going there. Especially when the only other option is eternal damnation.

The names of the graduating demons are being called out, as they going up on stage one by one. Satan stands imperiously at the center of the stage, beside a rack of flaming pitchforks. Their horns are higher than any other demons, and gleaming bright red like their beady red eyes. Their tail flicks from side to side, its point piercing those standing too close to them.

My name is finally called and I do not wince as I walk barefoot over the hot coals. I stand before Satan with my head held high as they hand me my pitchfork without a word.

The transformation is sudden and agonizing. My spine cracks as I grow my tail, a splitting pain in my skull as my horns burst out. I grit my teeth and stalk off the stage. It would not do to show weakness.

I feel sometimes that I must work twice as hard to be taken seriously. My name, Rosier, means the Demon of Love. But in my defense, it's more to do with tainted love and seduction.

It still doesn't undo the fact that demons are meant to embody rage and hatred, and my very name opposes that. A sinking part of me feels that this must be the reason I was assigned to just one human. I see the way Azazel looks at me sometimes.

The newly graduated demons gather at the left of the hall. I take my place at the table overflowing with fresh meat and cheap booze and, as is tradition, hurriedly gulp down the drugged liquid being served, successfully downing a pint. Successful because I do not throw up, like many of the graduates here. I dig in to the carcass of whatever animal was in front of me.

As I eat, I spare a glance up at the large screen. The picture of my assigned human is still displayed beside my name.

When I see the boy, I freeze.

He looks young, though I know he must be the same age as myself. His large, dark eyes are full of innocence, staring out at me from the screen. His black hair is in unruly curls around a sweet face. Golden tanned skin and delicate features, a small nose, pouty lips, and a moderately square chin.

I had already known he was at a level ten difficulty. But after seeing him, I begin to have doubts on how easily I'd be able to corrupt him. I know looks can be deceiving sometimes. If he is really as innocent as he looks then I suppose his naivety could be used against him. It would definitely be a challenge since the most powerful angel has been assigned to only him as well.

The ceremony continues on without event. I leave once I finish eating, not staying to talk to the other demons. You aren't expected to be polite in hell; in fact, you're rather encouraged not to. As I leave the hall, I step over a large spider scuttling across the doorway. I hate the creepy things, but for obvious reasons I don't show my fear of it.

I glare at the humans passed out on the cold streets. Kicking aside a a pile of fly infested bones, I make my way to my cramped office. I have to fill out the paperwork needed to enroll in the human's high school. Once there, I will attempt to befriend him and lead him down the wrong path.

There is a lot of paperwork to be filled, because after all—this is hell.


A/n: hey y'all! Ro's name only became Rozier in the edits, so in the later chapters he'll be called James. Plus Azazel will be called Danyel. I wanted to change it to Rozier and Azazel cuz they're more demon sounding names than earlier. Also, Satan is genderless in the edit but previously there were gendered pronouns used to refer to them. I'll fix the discrepancies as soon as possible!

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