25 - James | Okay, let's roll this thing

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I had pretty much given up on it.

I was prepared to go back to Danyel with my horns tucked down and pointed tail not-so-metaphorically between my legs. I would have shamefacedly handed him back his package and admitted I couldn't do it.

'Do you wanna try it? Let's try it.' Andrew held up the package with the utmost interest.

'It's not good for you,' I grumbled. I felt that he was just a tad bit too interested in it.

'Why would you have it then? You're the one who brought it.'

'I didn't bring it for you,' I lied.

'Were you going somewhere else afterwards? You just moved here, you don't even know anyone else.' He glared at me suspiciously. 'Were you going to do it alone? That's dangerous.'

'Doing it with you is more dangerous. For you.'

'But the danger is equally divided and lessened and if you do it alone it's like extra dangerous—that's basic maths.'

'You sound like the angel.'


Belatedly I realized what I just said. 'Um, nothing,' I mumbled, slowly meeting his gaze.

'So I'm the angel and you're the demon straight from hell?' he joked.

'Perhaps,' I replied, smiling. He was more angelic than Hell-Angel-Marie for sure.

'Have you tried it before,' Andrew asked, indicating the package, 'I haven't, but I'm kind of curious to see what all the hype is about.'

'I haven't either. I just got it.'

Only the humans are required to suffer the effects of drugs in hell, although the demons are more than welcome to have at it.

'Well, it can be the first time for both of us,' Andrew said encouragingly.

Why is he so okay with this? I thought he was supposed to be like some perfect human. I momentarily fantasized about the possibility that I actually could succeed at my task and drag him down to hell where he'd be stuck forever. It wouldn't be too bad, as my assigned human he'd be solely under my purview.

Oh who am I kidding. It's a horrendous place. Although... Andrew does seem to enjoy having spiders.

'You look nervous. James.' He waved an arm in front of my face. 'We don't have to do it if you don't want to,' he added quickly, tossing the packet aside, 'I'm not pressuring you into or anything.'

I thought I would be the one having to pressure him. What a twist.

'I don't want to be a bad influence on you or anything,' I started. Wow. That is... exactly my job. I looked behind my shoulder, suddenly feeling paranoid that Danyel was watching me. 'I'm sorry. I should not have brought it here.'

'Where did you get it from anyway?'

'Oh, um. A friend,' I eloquently replied, 'He's a bit older.'

'Did he... insist you take it?' Andrew asked, frowning in momentary concern.

'No,' I lied again, 'I was curious to try it too.'

'Oh, well... let's try it together then, if you want to.' He raised his brows, looking at me expectantly.

I immediately wished I hadn't lied.

Hell's Angel (EDITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin