34 - James | The Principal's office

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'Andrew, if you were involved in any part of this, I am afraid you're going to lose your scholarship.'

I looked up at the words. It was the result I was supposed to be striving for. Instead of a sense of achievement, I just felt empty inside.

I could hear Danyel's voice echoing in my mind, telling me to pin it on Andrew and watch him plummet. The thought wasn't as tempting as it should have been; in fact, it rather repulsed me.

'This is a serious case. A student was highly injured,' the principal went on, 'I need a full explanation of what went down at the field today.'

I fidgeted in my seat, her eyes boring into mine. The angel was called into the office before us; I am certain she rightfully explained that it was completely my doing. The principal had also spoken to everyone else on the team who watched me personally beat up Derek.

I glanced discreetly over my shoulder, sensing an uncomfortable feeling of being watched. I wondered what Danyel would say if he were here. He would be furious at my indecisive thoughts, scoffing and telling me to use my demonic powers of persuasion to influence the decision of the lady in front of me.

My mind raged in turmoil as my non-existent heart was torn in two. I opened my mouth to speak—to say something one way or the other—but nothing came out.

The principal sighed and raked me over with disappointed eyes. 'I have spoken to the other students, James. I see you don't want to own up to it, but I must make an informed decision. I have decided upon your immediate expulsion.'

'James had nothing to do with it,' Andrew immediately burst out, 'It was all me. I got angry and beat up Derek.'

Wait. What? I turned to him in shock, unknowing if I had heard correctly. Andrew wore a look of determination, his eyes fixed directly in front of him and not meeting my gaze.

'That is not what I heard.' The principal frowned. 'I just had several other students in my office, and they all insisted that you, Andrew, just happened to get caught in the crossfire.'

Andrew shook his head vehemently. 'No one was involved in it besides me. It was between Derek and I.'

'Andrew, I want you to be completely honest with me.' Her voice took on a frighteningly icy tone. 'You are telling me the opposite of what countless eye-witnesses have been saying. It would be very wrong of you to lie to protect your friend.'

'It's true.' He gulped. 'I swear. It was all me.'

The principal stood up suddenly, fixing Andrew with a deathly glare. 'Are you aware that Derek had to be sent to the infirmary? You hit him till he bled, his lips so swollen that he can't speak. Why would you do that? Why go so far?' She slammed her palms on the table, her voice shaking in barely contained anger. 'What happened?'

'He accused me of cheating,' Andrew mumbled, 'I- just lost it.'

'And were you cheating?'

'I-I don't know.'

The principal's face wore a mask of fury. 'The school will be revoking your scholarship and suspending you for the rest of the academic year,' she grated out, 'This includes all school events such as All-state and prom night. Consider yourself lucky that you didn't get expelled.'

A strangled sound finally left my cotton-dry throat as the principal turned to me, her eyes ablaze. 'James,' she fumed, 'You will also be facing the same suspension. I still feel this punishment is less than what you deserve, but I no longer have a clear narrative.'

Andrew was excused and he left without a second glance. It seemed that all my plans have come to fruition—but I don't want this forbidden fruit. Not anymore.

The principal turned to me. 'Do you really want to let him take the fall for this?'

I didn't know. I gulped and parted my lips, hoping a confession would fall out. My throat felt hot and strangled, as if someone were burning the words at the tip of my tongue.

'I guess I have my answer,' she slowly enunciated, 'You may leave my office.'

Shame engulfed me as I stepped outside. A wave of dizziness and nausea hit me as the grip around my throat suddenly loosened; I fell to my knees in gasping breaths. I looked around for Andrew but he was nowhere to be found. The angel, however, sat with her legs swinging on the bench opposite me.

It was Marie who had pushed Derek and started everything. It was she who cheated on Andrew's behalf and got him into trouble in the first place. She created messes wherever she went, ruining anything she poked her fingers into.

She destroyed everything.

My rage spiraled out of control, my vision being blurred in a sheet of red as I picked myself off the floor and stormed up to her.

'It's all your fault!' I raged as I neared her. She was in her angel form and I allowed myself to transform as well, black smoke billowing from my nose and mouth.

'How is it my fault? You beat up that guy and allowed Andrew to take the blame for it,' she shot back.

'I wouldn't have had to if YOU didn't push him in the first place. You just cannot leave well enough alone.' My horns grew in my increasing wrath, casting a dark shadow over her petite frame.

'Andrew got suspended and lost his scholarship because of you!' Marie yelled, getting to her feet to glower down at me, 'It was your horrible plan all along!'

'Well of course that was my plan, that's my damn job!' I shouted, 'YOUR job is to make sure he's okay and you failed. You failed, just like how you fail at everything. You're the WORST FUCKING ANGEL I ever had the misfortune to meet.'

Marie's bottom lip trembled as her clear blue eyes balanced tears that threatened to spill over. 'I—at least, I tried. I tried to do my best for him. All you ever tried to do was ruin his life.' She drew in a shaky breath, a sob escaping her parted lips as she turned away from me and rushed out of the building.

I couldn't bring myself to care.

All I could think about was Andrew.

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