36 - Marie | A corsage of red roses

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A/n: extra chapter today just cause I'm impatient... also I posted the sequel already so I gotta finish this one quick! XP

I hugged the pillow to me, sobbing into its softness. James was right. I ruined everything. I only had one human to protect—just one! And they gave me the easiest possible human they could.

And I failed spectacularly.

Snot leaked from my nose but I was too upset to even wipe it. The saltiness ran down my mouth and in my despair I allowed it to pass through my parted lips. I cried some more as I tasted my own snot. I was the worst angel in the history of angels—I didn't deserve to even be one.

There was a gentle knock on my door and I looked up sniveling. The doors are pointless really, us angels just float through. We don't value privacy much, since we're accustomed to spying on our assigned humans.

I rubbed my face dry—unsuccessfully because it only served to spread the snot further around—and opened the door. Standing in a simple, black tux, holding a corsage of red roses, was the demon who had caused me so much heartache.

'Go to hell,' I stated, about to fling the door shut on his face.

'Wait! Please.' James took a deep breath. 'I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean what I said.'

'You said I was the worst angel you ever had the misfortune to meet!' I accused, my voice rising as I glared down at him.

'I know- I was just... ashamed. I felt guilty about what happened and I wanted to blame it on someone other than myself,' he rushed, ducking his head. 'I went to Andrew, and told him... everything. I don't want to ruin his life anymore than I already have.'

'You may have been projecting on me, but I know you meant what you said in some part,' I said sadly, 'I know I'm bad at... being good. Everyone says it. I'm always in hot water with Headmistress; she's the most terrifying angel to walk the heavens and she seems to have a personal campaign against me. All the other angels pity me; even Georgie thinks I need help, and we had a huge fight the last time I saw her. She was my best friend.'

'I'm sure you'll make up,' James said quietly, 'Best friends always do... I guess.'

I sniffled, wiping a hand across my runny nose. 'When it was the other angels I never really let it bother me; I let it roll off my back because all of them were just... inconsequential.' I swallowed, staring into his twin blue eyes, identical to mine. 'But when you said it, it hurt me.'

'I didn't think you cared about my opinion that much,' he mumbled, kicking the toe of his shoe against the door jam.

'I know we're meant to be arch-enemies and you're like, the bane of my existence and all, but, I feel....' Like you're my family.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. James may be irritating as hell and a pain in my halo, but I did feel like we were connected somehow. Through twisted star signs or broken destinies. 

'I think I... know what you mean,' he said slowly, 'You annoy me to hell and back—in a way I imagine only a sister would do. I know you're probably my polar opposite in every way imaginable, but... I feel like we were fated to meet.'

'I've always wanted a family.' I smiled. 'I'll be your star-crossed sister.'

'You'll be my that,' he agreed, a soft smile lighting upon his face. 'Now how about prom?'

I snapped my fingers and my pajamas and bunny slippers transformed into the gown of my dreams. I stuck out my arm for James to tie the corsage on my wrist.

'You got the correct corsage!'

'Andrew gave me clear instructions.' He grinned. 'I'm afraid no one will get to see it though, we'll have to stay invisible.'

'That's okay,' I said happily, skipping outside, 'I just wanted me to see it match.' Parked in the driveway was a long, shiny limousine. 'Er, James, do you know how to drive this thing?'

'Of course,' he replied, opening the door on my side, 'We had driving lessons as part of our preparations before entering the human realm. Didn't you?'

'No... we just rely on floating to places.'

'Hm, well it's still good to be prepared,' James said, turning on the ignition once we were both seated, 'You can check the GPS and give me directions. I have no idea how to get to the school from here.'

'Okay.' I turned it on. 'Just go straight for a while and turn that way.'

'What way? I can't see the map,' he muttered as he reversed the vehicle.

I impatiently shook my hand in the correct direction. 'Your side.'

James sighed, following the path my gesturing arms laid out. 'Okay, now what.'

'Go around the roundabout and then turn to the opposite side. Like a U-turn.'

'What? They don't allow U-turns on this road. It's one-way.'

'The map says you can,' I insisted, 'Just turn into that lane over there, the second one.'

'That's not called a U-turn,' James grumbled, taking the turn.

'The road was sort of shaped like a "U."'

He momentarily lifted his eyes from the street to glare at me.

'Watch the road, James!' I smacked him, checking the map again. 'Oh wait.'


'It was the wrong turn. Go back.'

'I can't go back, it's one way.'

I twisted my neck, looking back. 'But the school is in the other direction.'

James muttered irritatedly under his breath, turning into an intersection and taking a long circle back to the starting roundabout. 'Okay. Now which road?'

'That one!' I pointed.

'That's the one we took before!'

'Oh.' I glanced at the GPS again. 'Well. I guess I was right after all.'

'I hate you. Like, a lot.'

I giggled mischievously as he huffed and blew out a puff of smoke, turning the GPS to his side and away from me.

We drove in comfortable silence for a while until a familiar building looked ahead.

'Oh there it is! There's the school!' I pointed at it excitedly. 'See I told you that's the road; I gave perfect directions and now we're here!'

James drew in a deep breath as if he were going to argue, but then he just let it out in a gust of defeat.

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