Chapter 1- Old Friends

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I don't believe anymore (2x)
Raised by wolves!
Stronger than fear.
Raised by wolves!
We were raised by wolves.
Raised by wolves!
Stronger than fear.
If I open my eyes, you disappear.
Raised by Wolves (Songs of Innocence)

Chapter 1- Old Friends

I pull into the driveway, sigh, and mentally prepare myself.

Aly's house is worse than the battlefield- she has eight kids, all of which are demons.

"Mommy! No! Bad mommy!"

Her kids have matured to scolding their own mother. Where they get it from, I do not know. Both mother and father are the sweetest people ever. People- not werewolves.

I hear a high pitched scream that can only be described as blood curdling. I cover my ears and wince. Dam kids! I march towards the kitchen, only to be hit with a flying shoe. These kids won't know what hit them. I sneak up behind the one who threw the shoe at me, and tackle him. I begin tickling him, and he screams.

"Never" Tickle "Throw" Tickle "Another" Tickle "Shoe" Tickle "At me!"

I stand up, "Do you understand me?"

"Yes." He bows his head.

"Good." I begin walking towards the kitchen when I sense someone throw another shoe. I turn quickly and catch it, launching it back, before I continue the trek into hostile territory.

"Aly! I'm here!"

A small child sprints from the kitchen, yelling "Stranger danger! Stranger danger!"

I roll my eyes, continuing to Aly.

She stands in the kitchen, scolding yet another child. I clear my throat, and she looks up.



"How are you?"

She gestures around the kitchen, which is filling up fast with more- I know! Where did they all come from?- children.

"How are you?"

I gesture at my scars and she grimaces. "Sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for Aly!"

"I know, I just feel so... useless. All I have done with my life is..." Here she motions around the kitchen at her children.

"That's not useless, Aly."

"I forgot to ask, why the sudden visit?"

"I missed you!" And someone wants to kidnap me.

She smiles.

"While I'm here I can help you tame these demons." I point at the one who threw a shoe at me. He grins in amusement, and I send his a threatening look. His smile disappears. Now it is my turn to grin.

"Can I tell you something in private, Aly?" She needs to know that someone's after me, she just can't know the real reason.

"Sure." She looks a bit confused, but follows me to the living room anyways.

"Aly I had a boyfriend- who I dumped-" Lie "and he is... following me. He wants me back." Truth "I contacted the police," Lie "and I was wondering if I could stay here for tonight?"


"Thanks Aly!"

"No problem Lynn."

"I'm gonna grab my stuff, and go put it away."

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