Chapter 2- My Wolf Loves Channing Tatum

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You got a face not spoiled by beauty.
I have some scars from where I been.
You got eyes that can see right through me.
You're not afraid if anything they've seen.
I was told I would feel nothing the first time.
Song for Someone (Songs of Innocence)

As I pulled up to his house, I realized I still hadn't asked his name, and I was staying at his house.

When did you start to trust anyone Lynn? I ask myself.

Who knows. My wolf answers for me. Maybe it's his looks.

I groan aloud. My wolf is so weird sometimes. Not like I can even think about anyone since the rejection.

Great Kat! Not I'm in an awful mood.

Whatever. Not my problem you can't take a joke. Plus he's only like an eight.

Who's a ten then, Kat?

Channing Tatum.

You've got an obsession.

I know. My wolf had a Channing Tatum obsession. It's a bit sad really.

She growls inside my head, and I grin.

I take it back Kat.


I'm not in a bad mood anymore.

"Why are you smiling?" He asks.

"My wo-"

He's human! Kat screams inside my head.

He gives me a curious look at my sudden lack of words, but he decides to let it go. We walk up the driveway together, and I take in his house. It's not really a house though, more like a mansion. It's at least four stories, and it looks gigantic. I'm slightly speechless.

Wow. Kat sighs.

Why so sad? I ask.

Money and looks, but you're being a prude. She snorts.

A smile twitches at the corner of my mouth.

"Why are you so amused lately?"

"My friend texted me something funny."

"Wanna tell me what?"

Because of my quick thinking I'm able to blurt out, "Just a bunch of pickup lines she came up with."

He smirks. "Why would you need pickup lines?"

Kat! What do I say?

Just tell him she has a bizarre sense of humor!

"She has a weird sense of humor."


"What?" Now it's my turn to sound confused.

"You seem to attract a manor of weird people."

"Does that include yourself?"

"Of course!" He responds with gusto.

"Can I ask you a slightly personal question?"


"Please don't be offended, but how did you get so much money?"

"Oh! Not what I was expecting. I worked as a private investigator for a while, but I got this one case that no one could find anything on. The guy offered me a million dollars to do it, and I guess I succeeded."

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