Chapter 11: Return of My Parental Unit

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dedicated to my lovey hlcarnes6

Dreamin' para-para-paradise.
Every time she closed her eyes.

Paradise - Coldplay

-Tate's POV-

Hank has been helping me search everywhere for Lynn. We checked her house and the scent was fresh, so we followed it. To the frikin' airport! She could be anywhere! I almost had a mini panic attack when there was no 'Lynn' on file who bought tickets.

After moping about the airport for a while, a small foreign man approaches me excitedly. "Sir! I heard you look for Lynn?"

I nod my head violently, asking him to continue.

"I fly plane. She on plane. I back now, she in Europe." He says, in broken English.

"Was she with anyone?" I ask him.

"Ya. One man. Tall, hair is dark. They seem be friends." He speaks again. I catch the drift. Lynn already befriended him?

"Can you take me there now?" I ask him, excitedly.

He nods. "You get permission for private jet, I fly."

"Hold up. Private jet?"

"What is hold up?"

"Never mind that! Lynn owns a private jet?"

"Parents. Much money." He helpfully adds.

"Ok." I tell him. "Can you fly the plane?"

He nods again. I sigh with relief, pull out my phone, and dial Hank.

"Yeah she's in Europe." I tell him, not bothering with hello.

"What?" Is his confused reply.

"Hey, I dunno. This is your area of expertise." I tell him blandly.

He scoffs. "No one really understands Lynn buddy. I'm probably as close as it gets though. Europe you said? I'm in."

"Okay. Meet me on the tarmac."

"See you soon." He says, and ends the call.

We board the plane, and fly in almost utter silence. We both use this as an opportunity for sleep, seeing as neither of us has done much of that lately. We're both very worried for Lynn. In her anger, she seems to have forgotten she has an alpha chasing her. And I'm not talking about myself.

Jack. Just the name makes my lip curl in disgust, and my wolf wants to kill stuff. I honestly pity his wolf, the human side is controlling and rash and the animal part is probably dejected for the rejection. He rejected Lynn without a regret. He slept with another girl, probably girls, plural. Lynn was broken by him. Her parents also. Who does that to their own flesh and blood? More importantly, what did they do to her? She refuses to speak about them, I mean, parents aren't the worst thing, right? If Lynn were here now I can imagine she would tell me to stop asking annoying questions and shut my trap. Just thinking of her makes me smile. It only took me a few minutes to fall completely in love with her. Yeah, I said it. I used the 'L' word. Love. lOve. loVe. lovE. LOVE. I really do love her. Being separated from her has made me realize how much I want and need her.

I believe I just had an epiphany 5,000 feet in the air.

-Lynn's POV-

The approaching boat makes me nervous. It could be the oil man, the cleaning lady, the groundskeeper. I have a gut feeling that this is exactly who I think it is, and that makes me nervous for myself and Kade.

We silently exit the water, after I make frantic hand gestures and he hears the boat. We run quickly around the base of the hill until we're squatting behind some trees and watching the incoming boat.

The boat runs up the sand to the shore, and a silhouette steps off the boat with a part of their shadow that looks suspiciously like a gun. I, never one to forget precaution, pull a gun from my bikini strap. Kade gapes at me, and I shrug him off. "Sneak back to the house and hide. I know who this is and I need to deal with it. Now go." I whisper quickly. I make a 'shoo' motion with my hands and he sneaks off.

A voice as smooth as silk yet as harsh as nails says, "I hear you my baby. Come out and play." The horrifying words plucked from a horror movie don't belong on a sunny day like today. Yet, here I am, listening to my mother ask for me to come and play.

"I'm here mother." I say, stepping out from behind my tree. "What do you want from me?"

"I heard you got another mate. Good job. I also heard he's an alpha. Introduce me, now." She says. Once power hungry, forever power hungry.

I level my gun at her head. "This is your warning. Get out of my life and never come back. I never want to see you again. You hated me my entire life, I was never good enough. My first heat, you left me with a stranger. A male stranger. Thank the goddess he knew what was happening and locked me in a room by myself. You made my first shift more painful by mentally torturing me while I could do nothing about it. You told me to return to my mate when he was cheating because he was an alpha. I hate you, and everything you and father stand for. This is your only warning. Now, leave quietly, or leave in a body bag." I spit venomously.

She shrugs, pulling the gun I saw earlier in her shadow. "You didn't really expect me to leave, did you baby?" She says in her poisonous voice.

I shrug, sighing. "Not really mother. My mate isn't here anyways. I caught him cheating and rejected him."

"It seems like you can't keep a man." She says. She has a way of getting under my skin like only a mother could. She makes me self conscious, shy, sad, but above all else, angry. I do hate my mother, I haven't felt loved in so long... The last time was with my boyfriend, and that was before he dumped me for my ex best friend slash tormentor Elizabeth, Eliz for short.

"Where is father?" I ask, implying she can't keep one either.

"He is unaware of our meeting." She says, malice suddenly flooding her eyes. "And it will stay that way."

"Okay. Now that we've bonded, shared, and felt overwhelming love for each other, can you leave?" My sarcasm was expresses harshly.

She chuckles. "Oh but honey. The fun's only just begun." And with that, she quickly pulls the gun again, and fires. Years of training and following instinct tell me to get my ass down, now. I lay flat and pull the gun in front of myself, while taking careful aim. This is it. I need to do this, for closure, and to improve the world. To, proverbially, wipe my hands of her forever. Time seems to slow as I line up my shot, and the milliseconds last as I prepare myself for the kick of the gun.

Accuracy, I think, as I shoot. And I never have missed before.




I had MCAS today. *throws chair at wall and screams*

I feel better now.

Thanks for reading

Stay classy y'all✨😳😒

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