Chapter 3- Nick

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Every breaking wave
On the shore
Tells the next one, "there'll be one more"
And every gambler knows,
That to lose...
Is what you're really there for.

Every breaking wave {songs of innocence}

Alpha's POV: (Lynn's ex mate)

Why does that woman constantly make my life hell?

I need to mate with her to become a full alpha, and she won't comply. She won't bend to my will. I blame her, I am an amazing man who can do no wrong. She hates me though.

I guess it was because of this one time...


"I love you baby!" My girlfriend Elle exclaims while kissing me passionately.

"I love you too." I tell her. I don't really. Love isn't in my vocabulary.

What are you doing? My wolf asks angrily. Your mate is upstairs!

Shut up! Elle is here now. I tell him.

I don't care about Elle! I don't want Elle! He yells.

Well I do! I announce.

If Lynn found me and Elle, she would probably leave. I hate that I need another person to complete my alpha powers, but I need to keep her in the dark until after we are mated. Then she can find out about Elle and... Others.

I hear a muffled sob come from outside the door. It sounded like... Lynn. Well crap.

I run out of the door to see Lynn's retreating back. She is so weak! I hate her.

In a moment of extreme confusion, hate, longing (my wolf), and anger, I call after her, "I Alpha Jack Richard Vex reject you, Lynn Eveline Decri."

My wolf howls in anguish and cuts our connection.

Elle runs behind me and exclaims, "Am I Luna now?"

I turn and plaster on a smile, "One sec, babe." I follow Lynn to our room. She locks the doors, and I hear her packing her bags.

I yell through the door, "Lynn! Stop being selfish! I cannot be tied to just one woman!"

I hear shattering, probably that antique vase that was on my bedside table. Whatever. It was old for a reason.

I hear silence from the other side. I back up a few steps, run, and break down the door, seeing glass cover the floor and not a single one of Lynn's bags. I look around and see a broken window.

She is gone, the one woman I cannot be complete without. My life just destroyed itself. Not that I care.

-End of Flashback-

I groan out loud. Thinking about Lynn is awful. After she left she went and joined the military. I thought she was going to die, and it worried me.

Oh, I wasn't worried for Lynn! Of course not! I was worried I wouldn't be able to get my powers ever.

Before the military, Lynn was like a doll that did anything instructed of her. After, she grew into a strong woman that was respected and who didn't back down. But not by me. I will always see the weak girl she was, and not the strong woman she is now.

I log onto my computer, bored, as usual. I click the logo for YouTube in my browser, and look at the most watched list. I see the title, Woman Takes 10+ Men is Bar Fight. I click on it, and press play.

I watch this woman kick come serious ass. I wish she was my mate instead of... Lynn? Oh my god! That video is Lynn! What the f-

Lynn! My wolf sings inside my head.

Derrick? I ask, slowly. He hasn't spoken to me since the rejection, over three years ago.

I need Lynn back, or my wolf will never speak to me again.

-Lynn's POV-

I exit the bar, and storm to my car. Those men were...

Sick? Devilish? Hellbent? Disgusting? Contaminated? Gross? Kat supplies.

All of those! I add.

God! Men are all the same. I am beginning to think the only kind men were in my platoon. I have never met another kind man before. My father beat me. My mate rejected me. Even the stranger from the Mobil station rejected me in his own way. Men bring nothing but sadness. And a sense of betrayal.

Except not Hank. He was the kindest of my platoon, and always made sure I was okay. Maybe that's why I'm visiting him now.

I quickly realize I haven't asked if it was okay to go see him, and then realize he lives in another packs territory. Well, whatever! At least I know Jake won't be there. Maybe "stranger" won't either. I don't really know what to call him.

I quickly pull over, and pull out my phone, to text Hank and ask if I can stay.

I type, Hank! Send.

Hank! Send.

Hank! Send.

Lynn! Hey! What's up! He sends back.

Nothing much. I reply. Can I stay with you for a while? I will explain when I get there.

Sure! See you soon.

I sign in relief. Then I gasp when I see a face peeking in my window. I make a "shoo" motion with my hands, but he doesn't move away.

I open my car door ferociously, and hit him extra hard with it.

"What do you want?" I snarl.

"I was just making sure you're okay, cause you pulled over." He states, looking guilty. "I'm Nick by the way."

"I'm 'I don't trust anyone and will not be telling you my name.'" I respond with sarcasm. "Now go away."

I honestly don't care if I'm being blunt. Idiot deserves it for approaching me after today.

Speaking of which, I have an awful headache. Did Aly's demon spawn hit me that hard with that shoe?

I reach up, to touch the back of my head, and my hand comes away feeling sticky. I glance at it and see Crimson coloring my hand. Oh hell! Someone fought dirty in that bar.



"Do me a favor, would you?."

I see him give me a confused look, but I don't care. I'm too far passed caring now.

I sway on the spot and pass out. My last thought as I greet the black, is of a pair of toned arms that stopped my fall.



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