Part 20 New Classmate... again

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"Good MORNING SAIKI!!" Y/N greeted with much enthusiasm. When he stepped out of their doorstep, he turned around to see Y/N was waving not just her arms but her whole body too by the gate. He noticed she looked a bit strange but brushed it off because she is strange everyday. The poise facade has completely washed off.

"When will you stop with that?"

"Stop with what?"

"That. Where do you even get all your energy so early in the morning?"

"I'm built different"

The two walk together to school. But before they enter the school grounds, Y/N disappeared from Saiki's sight which he hadn't notice. Probably because she is wearing that canceller again, and that he suddenly felt an unpleasent emptiness behind him.

Anyways now that Saiki entered his classroom and took his seat, the whole class are sharing a few rumors. Apparently rumor has it that the son of the Saiko group, one of the richest in Japan, is coming to transfer to their school. What's more to it, he will be in class III.

[Yare Yare. A new transfer student again?]

"Why is some super rich kid coming here?" Murmurs spread across the room.

"OK class go to your seats. We have a new transfer student with us today." The teacher entered. Behind her was an old man dressed in a suit, then a red carpet rolled down on the floor. It's like everyone held their breath because no one seems to be breathing. Metori Saiko has entered the classroom. On his hand there are 5 ten thousand bills of yen and on his shirt's left pocket is a stack of it.

"I am Metori Saiko. Just to make it clear, I don't have any business with you peons. So don't talk to me, don't look at me, and don't even breathe near me." Says he

"Alright thank you. You can sit...." the teacher said

"You peon with vomit green hair and weird lips. Sit somewhere else" Saiko interrupted the teacher

"vomit hair and weird lips- just because you're rich doesn't mean you're better than me"

"I don't think I'm better. I am actually better."

"Wanna go?!" Takahashi stood up from his seat and started marching towards Saiko when he slipped a stack of 10k yen in his left-breast pocket.

Yes. Takahashi's attitude changed.

"I'd like to change seats please teacher" Takahashi said.

[Tch. That guy is hopeless. Oh well as long as he don't bother me I will gladly welcome him]

"What would a guy like you do in our school anyway?" Aren asked

"Normally, I wouldn't step a foot inside of a filthy school like this." He then grabbed Teruhashi's soft hands and brought her face closer to his "I came here because of you. Teruhashi Kokomi"

"Huh?!" She gasped of surprise

"I saw you on the street and I became attracted. I like you, be my mine" He said. Holding Kokomi's hands between his and lean closer to her face

"What?!" Everyone gasped.


It is lunch time. Saiki is sitting with Kaidou and Aren.

"The rumors are getting spread around like wildfire!"Aren spoke. "I don't like that new guy being so arrogant. I wanna kill him" He said as he grips on his fork.

"Calm down Aren" Kaidou said lowering his chopsticks from his mouth " He lives in a different world than us. Look at that setting. Huge table, fancy silver wear, maids, butler's chefs and body guards. Just ignore him"

A little touch of fancy [Saiki Kusuo x Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin