Part 15 Arcade

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After school, the boys... or more like Nendo invited the boys as usual, to eat ramen and Y/N decided to tag along. By the time they reached the ramen place, it was closed, which resulted to Kaido and Nendo to start arguing.

"We took 30 minutes to get here!" Kaido said with a growl

"We can't help it! The owner got allergies! Don't underestimate allergies! This is not the time to run a restaurant!" Nendo argued back following with a sneeze

"I'm not blaming the owner. I am blaming you!" Kaido spats back clenching both his fist. Although, he did not look intimidating one bit.

He looks like a poor child. Y/N thought

"Well then I'll be going home! Y/N said out loud while the psychic only said it through his telepathy.

"Let's go somewhere else then" Nendo suggested, and he looked around to look for something to do. Not so long after, his eyes landed on an arcade. "Let's go there!" Nendo pointed at it.

"Why are we going to an arcade instead of another ramen restaurant?" Kaido yelled

"What can we do?! The owner has allergies!! Do you know how hard it is to have allergies?!" Nendo yelled back

"That's not the problem here! What I just want to say is that why don't we just find another restaurant?!" Kaido said frustrated by trying to get his point across Nendo.

"An idiot vs idiot I shouldn't have come" Y/N sighed

"You're making me mad. Let's end this today. Do you want to take me on?" Nendo's face got darker

"Sure, I am sick of these peaceful days anyways. Let's settle this" Kaido accepted Nendo's challenge and so the four of them entered the arcade.

"Wait why am I included?!" Y/N asked

|| Arcade ||

"So Kusuo, did you have any favorite games in the arcade?" Y/N asked our strawberry haired psychic.

"I liked Whack-a-mole when I was a kid. I was really good at it. But once I hit them, they never popped up again" He answered

"Pfft" Y/N placed her hand over her mouth to prevent herself from laughing

"Don't make me use my super-strength on you" Kusuo said threatening the girl to stop laughing but she did not fear it at all.

"I doubt you'd do that. I'm not laughing just because it was funny but also because of how cute that was. Kid Kusuo must've been so disappointed" Y/N said still holding her grin in which resulted to her tearing up. Y/N and Kusuo walked around the arcade to see Nendo and Kaido busy. They also saw a kid staring at something inside the claw machine. It was a cute little piglet. The little kid was wearing a white t-shirt with a bear stamp on it and tucked in a plaid black and white skirt. The girl's hair was tied in pigtails with white bows on each.

So cute!!! Y/N internally screamed

Being the good Samaritan she is, she approached the child. Saiki followed but kept his distance.

"Hey little one. Do you want to get that piglet?" She asked kneeling down to reach the girl's level.

"Big sister, can you get it for me so my other piggy can get a friend? It is lonely to not have friends" the kid said looking down.

"Why are you here all alone?" Y/n asked

"I'm not. I just convinced my Nanny to let me stay here while she goes to the toilet."

"Alright! We'll play with you while she is gone." So, Y/N decided to also have fun while she still can. "Look at your big sister! She'll get you that plushie in no time" she said and inserted a coin to start

|| After several attempt... ||

"I only have 7 tries left" She sighed

"It's okay big sister. Watching you play was fun. I laughed so much" she said still laughing. Well, why wouldn't she? After all your banging and begging on the claw machine, the kid is entertained.

"I know that was your purpose from the beginning since you know you are horrible at these" Kusuo told Y/N

"I can't just leave her alone after all" She smiled at the psychic "Don't worry little princess we will get that piglet for you" Y/N said with determination and started the claw machine again. "Come on!" She spoke. The claw grabs a hold of the piglet and lifted it up. Y/N's pounding heart was praying for it to go through. It was about to fall off the claw and Y/N was ready to give up, but it somehow manages to reach the hole.

[Good Grief. I just had to so that her spirit won't be crushed.]

"I got it!!" She screamed out with excitement grabbing the attention of the people around them. Y/N took the piglet out and handed it to the little girl "Here you go. The piglet I promised" She beamed at her

"Wow Thank you!!!" The girl accepted the plushie with a wide smile melting Y/N's heart "From now on, you are my role model big sister! You are so kind, pretty and smart"

"Awe thank you. It's an honor to be a role model for a princess" Y/N pinches her cheeks gently

"You are never like this with Yuta" Kusuo mentioned

"Don't mention that kids name. He gives me headaches. This girl is one of the reasons I still don't hate kids completely."

"Little miss! I'm sorry Nanny was gone long. Her stomach strongly disagrees with her today" The nanny walked over towards them.

After that the Nanny thanked you and when you turned around, you saw Kusuo holding a white bunny.

"I got this by accident. I fancy no such things so instead of putting it to waste I give it to you" He said.

Truth be told, he actually won that for her.

[Shut up writer.]

Once again, Y/N's heart jumped out of excitement.

"T-thank you Kusuo" she took the stuffed toy from his hold. "Let's head back to the others" Y/N said running towards Nendo and Kaido.

"Since this game is the closest why don't we try this one" Kaido suggested pointing at a quiz game

"You're so desperate to win" Y/N said

"Shut up Y/N" Kaido spat

"Huh the one behind you is actually the closest why don't we try that instead" Nendo pointed at a strength game machine. Kaido flinched knowing himself that this is not his specialty

"you're screwed" Both the psychic and Y/N thought

"Let's leave the decision to Saiki" Kaido turned his head away

"Huh? I thought you could beat me in any game?" Nendo said questioning the blue haired 16 y/old.

The three looked at Saiki waiting for his decision.

"Don't get me involved" He sighed and finally chose Air Hockey.

Y/N got bored of watching the two and since she noticed that Kaido is cheating, she already knew the outcome of this. Instead of watching, she played other games in the arcade.

As Y/N predicted, Kaido won with cheating, but Nendo was the actual winner.

"Y/N! Saiki! Let's take a photo" Kaido said standing in front of a photo booth.

Their position. Kusuo and Y/N in the middle and Kaido and Nendo on each side. As they take a photo, Nendo and Kaido started pushing each other away. While Y/N showed an irritated face, Saiki with a stoic expression, on one of the photos the whole chaos was captured in a rather romantic way. How so? Well, the arm Nendo and Kaido used to push each other away accidentally formed a heart, and in the middle is our Y/N and Saiki.
After the photos were taken, Y/N rushed out and looked at the photo and noticed this immediately. She hurriedly ripped that one photo off and handed the rest to the others. Saiki was the last one out and looked at Y/N with confusion because she was staring at him.

"Gotta run to the toilet!" She sad and immediately ran away to avoid the psychic to read her thoughts.

A little touch of fancy [Saiki Kusuo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now