Part 5 School Field Trip 2

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They arrived at Minoo Park after the bus drive. The group gathered with their own thoughts and started looking around

Kokomi: SO my plan for today is to walk alone with Saiki, lead him to the bridge and watch the waterfalls together. I then maybe get him to say ofu.

After being so lost in thought she saw the love of her life walking together with Y/N

"Kokomi-chan are you alright? You're spacing out" Chiyo snapped her back to reality "Let's hurry now before we lose them" She continued dragging Kokomi along.

Saiki and Y/N walked together in silence like how they like it, observing the scenery that is presented before them.

"Oh my god! Saiki!! Look!!! DESSERTS!!!!" She said, dragging the Saiki along. He didn't mind as he also would like to have a taste of the desserts that are being sold on the stalls.

Kokomi caught sight of the two sharing the same facial expression as they savour the taste of the food they place in their mouth, but Saiki however, noticed Kokomi and looked at Y/N. He then used his telepathic ability to call a crowd to surround Kokomi and after that, he grabbed Y/N's hands and foods to start walking away while Kokomi is being held up.

The two ended up at the foot of the bridge. Y/N who was about to question Saiki's actions, got attracted by the beautiful scenery which made our psychic sigh of relief cause even he does not have an answer for his actions. She then slowly started walking over the bridge Saiki followed behind.

"It's simple but I am at a loss for words... I find it so beautiful and quiet here" She said "In fact, this is my first time ever going to a place physically. It has always been in the pictures. If I grow up and earn a lot of money, I'll go visit Palawan(Philippines) and Lofoten(Norway), The grand canyon, not just places here in Japan."

"What made you wanna travel to places?"

"I want to see for myself what my parents have been telling me... The only thing is...I can't tolerate planes. It's what took my parents away from me... I somehow managed to stay calm on that plane ride..."

[You're lying... I saw you... You went back and forth in the bathroom trying to calm yourself down as an attack was happening. You tried to sleep but were awakened by our classmates.]

She then took a deep breath in and exhaled

"Enough about that. We don't want that to ruin our mood" She beamed a smile at Saiki and ran to him to grab his hand "Let's take a photo" She swiped her phone away from her pocket and snapped a photo with Saiki being expressionless as always and Y/N with a small smile doing a peace sign. After that, she let go and started skipping to the other side of the bridge.

||Back in the hotel||

It's already late at night. After eating dinner, Saiki decided to take a break and head out of the hotel alone. After a long day, he laid down on the beach chair and right after, she also sat down. Y/N I mean.... Saiki looked at her

"I-I didn't mean to follow you!! I-It was just too much noise for me inside and needed a breath of fresh air..." She waved both her hands.

"I don't mind as long as I can sleep" He answered averting his gaze away from her

"yeah go ahead and sleep. We had an exhausting day today" She muttered and looked up to the stars. She started humming a soft melody out of habit. "Just tell me if it annoys you...Humming this melody makes me feel calm as my mother used to sing it for me."

[This feels nice...] Was the last thing he thought of before falling asleep.

Blueberry hair started looking for Kusuo after getting away from everyone else, happy that she can finally be alone with Saiki. As she stepped outside, she went straight to the beach.

I wonder where he could be this late at night. Gee why does a perfect someone like me have to... She looked around only to notice that he was just beside her. What a huge opportunity!! I will just- STOPPP What has gotten into you Kokomi?!?! A perfect being like me suddenly acting like a common pervert!! "Saiki-" She halted as she saw another female sleeping on the chair beside him.

"oh uhmm.... Anyway These hair clips must feel uncomfortable. Let me just take them off" She mumbled.....

|| Moments Later ||

"Saiki-san wake up!" Toritsuka tried to wake the sleeping psychic up "THERE IS A BIG PROBLEM"

"Good grief. I must've fallen asleep..."

"You need to wake up!!!!" He continued screaming

"What do you want? You're so loud. What time is it anyway?"

"What did you do to the hotel?! Bring it back!!!" He pointed behind the psychic.

"You mean go back to the hotel? What are you panicking about?"

"Look!! It's gone! What is happening?? You're the only one who can do that???" He yelled even louder and they head back only to see a giant hole on the ground.

"Y/N? Where is she?" Saiki asked the agitated Toritsuka.

"She's still over there sleeping." Toritsuka pointed at the sleeping figure on the beach chair
Saiki and Toritsuka finally solved the problem with Toritsuka sulking as his harem has ended. Saiki headed back to the beach and saw the unbothered figure still deep in her slumber but the sun was already rising in the horizon.

[Let's get you to bed]

He slowly lifted the sleeping girl up in his arms and quietly teleported in their room, laying her on her futon. He suddenly heard footsteps coming from the other side of the door which was unexpected since he used teleportation and did not expect someone to be awake. With a cooldown, he can't teleport immediately, if he uses invisibility it takes time to turn him invisible and he doesn't have time for that as the footsteps stopped in front of the door. He then laid beside her and covered himself with the blanket. Luckily her futon was placed in the corner of the room so it was barely in sight.
His worst nightmare came true and saw Y/N facing him wide awake

"Please don't think of anything weird. I tried waking you up but you won't wake up so I carried you up here but I did not expect the teacher to do some inspection"

"Oh- Sorry for bothering you..." She whispered as quietly as she could. She can feel the heat rushing through her cheeks. It's warm... She thought about not feeling sleepy anymore. "I think the teacher isn't there anymore" She said

"No, the teacher is still in the hallway" He answered knowing how uncomfortable the two are feeling right now. They stayed like that for a while then, Saiki finally jumped out of the futon and silently went out of the room and teleported to where he is supposed to be at, leaving Y/N with an uncontrollable heart beat...

[I should've used mind control]

A little touch of fancy [Saiki Kusuo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now