Chapter 8: A Promise

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Sunrise came far too early for my liking. With Titus' arms wrapped around my waist and his muscular body pressed up against my back, I never wanted the night to end. But, unfortunately, the sun came up and I had a list of things to do before I left in the evening. So I slid silently out from under Titus, lightly padded across the floor to my closet where I picked out some hot pink leggings and a black sports bra. I quickly crossed into the bathroom, looking over my shoulder to make sure that Titus was still softly snoring in my bed. Although he had rolled over, it seemed that he hadn't stirred himself awake. 

I tied my long brown hair into a high ponytail, washed my face, and changed into the clothes I had selected. I stopped to take a long look at myself in the mirror. My hair looked good tied up in the high ponytail, a few curly strands falling loose around my face; the makeup from last night had come completely off (thank goodness) which left my naturally pale skin smooth and clean. I smiled making my little dimples appear, small clusters of freckles on either side. I couldn't believe that I was mated to the god snoring in the next room. 

My phone vibrated on the counter bringing me back to reality. 

Kals name glowed. WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU'RE LATE!

Crap! It was already 6 and I was supposed to be out on the field. 

I threw on the black running shoes, which always managed to end up back in my bathroom and headed for the training field. I was late but it looked like everyone was still recovering from last night and there were more than a few stragglers making their way toward the large, flat field. The only one who didn't seem to be dragging this morning was Mathias. Once he laid eyes on me he waved me over dramatically. 

I ran up and saw my father, Mathias, and Beta Thomas all in deep conversation which stopped as soon as I arrived. 

"Liana, you're late," Mathias said in a matter-of-fact way.

"Sorry, I overslept," I shrugged.

"It's your last day training with your pack. One would think that you could figure out how to be on time for it," my father grumbled, not bothering to make eye contact with me.

"Does that mean you have decided to allow me to go home with my mate?" I asked him. Thomas shot me a warning look and shook his head very slightly. I got the message clearly: not the time or the place.

"Later Liana," dismissed my father. "Let's begin the training for today."

Mathias has always been in charge of training as head warrior. He turned toward the crowd and shouted his instructions. "First things first, we will run the parameter of the territory! When you return, find a partner and start your sparing. Men will then be assigned to weapons training while women work on their strength, then we will switch. Cool down will be a half run of the territory."

No one complained as Mathias led the pack through the first run. We were all a little slower than usual. Once I hit the five kilometer mark, I started to speed up. I wanted to complete my training early and get back to the house so that I would pack my things to go back to Blue Moon territory with Titus. 

When the run was finished I found Kal and started sparing. She was good, strong, and fast but she was not quite at my level. It was easy to overpower her but I tried to be tactical and tricky, I wanted her to be able to defend herself, think on her feet. This part of the training wasn't really about me as much as it was about making sure that my partner had a challenge. 

Mathias stopped Kal and I after three rounds. "Liana, I would like you to try with a more suitable partner, someone that will challenge you more." 

"And who might that be?" I asked. I had gone up against most of the head females in the pack and some of the males but no one but my father had been able to beat me. 

"Kalani, take up with someone else. Liana, you and I will spar."

I couldn't believe it but I was excited to take on the head warrior, I knew he would be able to challenge me and it would be a true test of my strength. 

Mathias and I squared off. He lunged toward me but I dodged him. He threw out an arm to try and grab me from my dodge but I was too fast and he missed. Mathias backed up and waited, stalking around, clearly looking for my weakest point, waiting for me to make a move that he could counteract. I wouldn't give into the cat and mouse game he was playing at. Finally we lunged at the same time, bashing our bodies together. I could hear Mathias growling as we fought for control of the situation. He overpowered me after a few moments, shoving me hard onto the ground. He landed on top of me, pinning my hands just above my head. He had a wicked smirk on his face. 

"I win princess," he whispered with a laugh. 

I started to laugh with him but suddenly the ground shook as a deep and terrifying growl ripped from the edge of the field. Mathias' head shot up but I knew who it was without looking. There was heat lingering everywhere his eyes roamed. 

Mathias was thrown off of me as Titus pulled me to my feet and against his chest. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Titus continued to growl at Mathias. 

"Training her, just as I am supposed to." 

"That's my fucking mate you were on top of, cousin. I would watch your attitude before I rip your filthy mouth from your face!" Titus was beyond angry. I lifted my hand and touched his chest but it didn't seem to help. I reached up and touched his cheek gently pulling him to look at me. When his dark eyes fell on me, I could see the flecks of green starting to return. I offered my neck to him and pulled him down toward me. 

"You need more clothing," he whispered against the crook of my neck after a few deep inhales. 

"Let's go find me some," I giggled back. 

"Not so fast." My father appeared from nowhere. He stood as tall as he could with his chest puffed out like he had something to prove. "We have a lot to talk about Alpha Eques. I think we should attend to that now before you run around dressing and undressing my daughter." 

"Very well, but she returns to your home with us," Titus didn't move from my neck as he countered my father. He didn't need to put on a show to prove that he was strong or that he was to be feared. 


My father along with Thomas and Mathias headed for the house at a run. Titus and I lagged behind, allowing them to have whatever discussions they needed to before we arrived. 

"Sorry about that," Titus broke the silence between us.

"No need to be sorry. And there's no need to be jealous either. It was just training."

"My cousin fancies you."

"We have known each other a long time. I would like to think we're friendly."

"He forgets the family mindlink is still in tact and I can hear when his wolf is trash talking mine, claiming that the other boy would have been better... and he would be too." 

I looked up at Titus. His lips were pulled into a tight and unimpressed line. His eyes were green now but they were a darker green, his wolf still pushing toward the surface, probably demanding to claim me. I sighed and stopped pulling Titus toward me. 

"I accept you Titus. I am yours and you are mine." I spoke the very traditional words. Although they don't create the same bond as the mating process, they bind two mates together in a promise of completing the process. It's a promise not to leave. 

He looked shocked for a moment. But he quickly crashed his lips down onto mine, wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. He kissed me like he had never kissed anyone before, like he would never get the chance to kiss me again. My whole body tingled with the shocks from our connection and I kissed him just as desperately and needily back. 

"I accept you Liana. I am yours and you are mine." He pulled back and pushed our foreheads together. 

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