Chapter 11: Little Boys With No Power

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Titus pulled me quickly to the car waiting for us at the end of the driveway. I could feel that he was still angry but I knew the anger wasn't directed at me. He kept looking back down at me with concern in his eyes but I kept looking up at him with a reassuring smile. As we came to the car I could see there were two people sitting in the front seat with darkly tinted windows.

"Who is riding with us?" I asked Titus in an attempt to break the tense silence growing between us.

"My Gamma, Bellator or Bella for short," he paused. "And Mathias."

I stumbled as my head whipped to look up at Titus. "Mathias is the Gamma here."

"He has chosen to come home to Blue Moon with us. He never renounced his belonging and he is my cousin. I would like to see him back on my territory training the new members."

"I'm not complaining but that's a surprise."

Titus turned to me, his eyes were dark and his body was shaking slightly. "I need to get out of here before I go back and do something I will regret. Can we please go?"

I nodded and jumped in the car door that Titus opened for me. He threw himself in beside me and slammed the door with a gruff and heavy "go!" directed to the front seat. Without any hesitation, the car sped out of the driveway and headed through the forest. There was a divider between the front and back seat of the car which closed once we started moving. I suppose they wanted to allow us some privacy.

I could feel the tenseness from Titus. I wanted nothing more than to soothe him. I slid over from the far side of the car and leaned my side against his. He responded immediately by wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into his lap. He pushed his nose into my neck and inhaled. I could feel his breath against my skin making me feel hot and tingly all over. It was as though every nerve in my body recognized that my mate was drawing comfort from me.

"I'm sorry I was short with you," he whispered pulling me back to reality.

"I hope you realize I didn't know he was there. And there were choice words for those who did."

He looked up at me. His eyes were settling back into their usual and intoxicating green. "And what did my princess have to say?" He dragged his nose up my neck to my ear and laid a gentle kiss there.

"Umm," what had I said? I said something clever.

"Umm," he whispered back as he kissed and gently nipped back down my neck to where my shoulder and neck met. He paused there. I could feel him smirking against the spot where his mark would rest someday. I could feel a wetness growing between my thighs as he ran his tongue and then his lips over the spot.

A soft moan escaped from my lips, "Titus..."

He growled, "say it again."

I could feel him pressing against my thigh and, although the size of what I felt was terrifying, I wanted to feel more. I pushed his arms back and straddled his hips, my legs falling on either side of him and leaned in to where I would also place my mark.

As I slowly ran my teeth over it I could feel him getting harder under me. I kissed my way up his neck and whispered directly into his ear, "Titus."

His eyes went pitch black with desire. "Fuck Liana," he groaned. His hands found their way to my hips and he moved them slowly against himself. The wetness between my thighs was growing more and more unbearable, the heat becoming overwhelming. I could barely think straight as Titus pulled my lips to his. Neither of us moved slowly, our tongues were intertwined from the moment our lips met. He nibbled on my lip with his canines out, careful not to break the skin. Both of us were lost, moaning and grinding against one another when the car came to a sudden stop.

Titus quickly pulled me off of him and back to his side. As he knocked on the divider.

"What's the problem?"

Mathias spoke from behind the divider. "There are three wolves blocking the way. They claim we are not allowed to pass this way."

Titus growled again, making me clamp my legs shut to keep my desire at bay.

"Wait here," he said to me as he opened the door and got out of the car. I could see through the window that there were three large darkly coloured werewolves blocking the road. Titus approached and one of them shifted to their human form. I immediately recognized Mardock and assumed one of the other wolves would be Petron, the Beta and Gamma from Black Night. It was Phil, once again, blocking my way to freedom.

I could feel Titus getting angry but also fearful. I couldn't make out what Mardock was telling him but it was clear that Titus was not going to be surrendering any time soon.

I was growing nervous as the conversation outside grew louder and Titus grew more angry. I tapped the divider and someone on the other side lowered it. Mathias was turned around in the passenger seat to face me.

"It's okay Liana," he reassured me.

"Can you understand what's going on?"

Mathias paused and looked to Bella who shrugged without looking at me. His eyes were fixed on the interaction ahead of him.

"They want us to turn you over or turn around. Don't worry; Titus wouldn't let them take you. He's been waiting a long time to find you, and now that he has you, he's not going to let you go."

"Phil is going to follow me until I am officially someone else's isn't he?" I sighed, leaning back against the seats.

"Phil needs you to have any power at all in his mind. He has never wanted anything as badly as he wants to be more powerful than his father. He has always been determined that claiming you as his own would be the way to ensure someday his pack is strong."

"If it were meant to be so, the Moon Goddess would have made that pathway for both of us."

"I know. Not everyone is worried about the Moon Goddess and destiny. Not everyone knows that there is right and wrong. When Phil rejected his mate-"

"He what?!" I nearly shouted.

"He met and rejected his mate just after his father and yours arranged your marriage."

"Who was it?"

"It doesn't matter Liana. He's just trying to keep you because he can't go back and he can't go forward without you."

"Who would do that for power?" I wondered aloud. Even if Titus had been a human, a vampire, or even a rouge... I would have chosen him over everything and everyone else.

"Titus is coming," Mathias stated before turning back and closing the divider.

The door opened and in came Titus. He flopped down on the seat and took a deep breath.

"Well?" I asked.

"We can go forward. I just owe a call to Black Night when we get back. I won't tolerate nonsense from little boys with no power." He reached over and pulled me back to the seat. From a small bag on the floor he produced a blanket which he wrapped around me. "Get some rest. We have a few hours to travel."

I tucked myself into his lap and stretched out my legs. He sighed and leaned his head against the window after pressing a kiss to my temple.

"Goodnight princess," was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

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