Chapter 26: The Fireball Again

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The plans were set and the warriors were training. I could still feel radiating pain coming from Liana. I wanted so badly to be able to reach out to her through the link and tell her it would be okay. I wanted to comfort her. 

My mother appeared in my bedroom doorway. "Putting the place back together?" She asked with a knowing shine in her eyes.

"I need it to be right for when she gets here," I placed the new pillows on the bed and fluffed them up. 

"What is it?" 

"What is what?" 

"A mother knows when something is off and it's not just that Liana isn't here."

"Well it is and it isn't. I can feel her helplessness and pain but all I want is to be able to comfort her and I can't reach her through the link. Is there anything I can do?" 

"Try thinking about something happy and pushing the emotion outward. She may or may not be able to feel it." 

"I'm not sure that's enough."

"It's better than not trying at all," she patted my cheeks softly. "Give it a go love. The warriors are ready and you leave at sunrise so try and get some sleep." She kissed my cheek and pressed her forehead to mine. She pushed an image of me and Ven at the beach building a sandcastle at the beach as children. I gasped softly. "See? It works for those we love. Goodnight." 

After I closed the door behind my mother I sprawled out in the bed and closed my eyes trying to conjure up the happiest memory I could. At first, I couldn't think of anything that felt as happy as the memory my mother sent me; but then it hit me. I flipped to my back and remembered. 

Another stuffy night in a suit I hate because some random Alphas daughter is an adult. I hate doing this but I know that it's a necessary evil. After 25 years of looking I still haven't found my mate and every one of these events is another chance. I'm not hopeful anymore but I am still trying and this is just another try. 

I pull up and a valet opens the door for me. I step out and surely scare the poor little guy as I raise to my full height. Before he pulls the car away I take off my suit jacket and throw it in the back seat. I can't stand the jacket and I've missed the first half of the party thanks to my sister. Satis is always trying to push me to mate one of her friends from one of the neighboring packs. She hates when I go out looking for the real thing and always makes it ten times harder than it needed to be. 

I get in and see my cousin standing guard by the front door. Immediately he recognizes and approaches me. 

"I didn't think you were coming?" 

"Neither did I. I'm here now. Would you point me in the direction of the Alpha and his daughter?"

"She's left the uppity party and headed outside but the Alpha is over there in the corner talking to Blacknight's Alpha Tallon before he leaves for the night."

"Get the girl. I want to be in and out of here as quickly as possible." 

"Yes Alpha Eques." 

I headed off toward Rexidus. I didn't know him very well but he should be thankful that I stopped by even if we don't have an established relationship. As I approached Tallon made an unexpected exit. 

"Alpha," I greeted kindly and shook his hand, as is expected. 

"Alpha Eques, what a surprise. Nice to see you." 

"Thank you. I've come to wish your daughter a happy birthday."

"I'm sorry she's stepped out to the party outside."

"I've sent Mathias out to get her so that I can wish her a proper birthday. Unfortunately, I can't stay long." I looked around the room, no one new to my eyes so I can't say that I am going to be able to find my mate here. 

Suddenly Telum gets restless and jumpy. I know he doesn't like crowds but this time it's different, there's no anxiety behind this but there is some sort of excitement. The girl arrives beside her father.

"Ahh yes! Alpha Eques this is my daughter Liana and her partner Philious." 

As she lifts her head and reaches out her hand out to shake mine. She's so small and delicate. I tower over her and she can clearly see that as her eyes lift up to meet mine. They are the most beautiful things I have ever seen, she is the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen and she smells like fresh summer peaches. Instead of reaching for her hand, I instinctually reach for her waist and pull her into my arms. I can feel the sparks running between us and in that moment there is only the two of us in the world. I want to hold her against me forever and never let her go. 

I lean my head down to smell her but she has the scent of the other boy all over her and in that moment I know he has to know she belongs to me. I am going to love her for the rest of my life and I am going to protect her for the rest of my life, to the end of my life.

I think about this and send the feeling outward. I hope she can feel the love in my heart for her. I hope she knows that I will protect her and I am coming to get her. 

Just before I cut the connection off I hear very faintly Liana's voice in my head: Titus... Titus. I can't hear the rest of it but I know she's trying to talk to me and my heart skips a beat. She knows I am looking for her, she knows I'm listening for her. 

"I'm coming baby," I whisper into the void. 

I swear to myself, the Moon Goddess, to her that I will never let her go again once I get her back from him. I won't make the same mistake twice. This time I am not going to leave Phil alive to come after me or her or our family again. 

I turn over and the sun is rising. It's time to get my girl back. 

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