Chapter 24: He Betrayed Me

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"HE WHAT?!" My brother dodged my hand as it headed for the bookshelf behind him. 

"Titus, think before you act," Bella chimed in from the corner of the room.

"I'm going to kill that sick son of a bitch!" My claws were extended and Telum was scratching at me from the inside out. 

"Okay, calm down!" My mother appeared in the doorway of my office with Lux and Satis in tow.

"What are you doing here?" I roared at her. 

She stuck her finger right in my face and pushed it against my nose. "I am here because your brother and Bella think you might lose your damn mind if there isn't someone here that can talk some sense into you." 

"You need to calm down Titus. We know you love her. We love her too and we are going to get her back but we can't just run at them with full force." Lux touched my shoulder in the same way that Liana did when she was trying to calm me down. I shot her a look and she quickly removed it. "We're all here to help." 

"I'm here because mom said if I didn't come then I would have to lead one of the rescue teams," Satis stated without looking up from her phone. 

I ripped the phone from her hand and threw it out one of the broken windows. "Hey!"

"You think this is some kind of joke Satis?! You think you can come in here and make snide little remarks? That's your Luna as much as she is my mate!" I roared. 

"She's not Luna yet!" Her fists balled at her sides as she met me face to face. "You should have chosen a Luna ages ago Titus! If you had picked someone stronger or someone who wasn't already promised then we wouldn't be in this situation! Our pack is supposed to come first and you're putting some she-wolf above all else!" 

Ven and Bella restrained me before I could do something I would regret. 

"Satis, you said you would help!" Lux stood between us. 

"I said I would come and talk some sense into him. This is the sensible thing to do: let the girl go and pick someone that isn't so much trouble."

"Enough!" My mother, still a powerful Luna, commanded. "Satis, get out of here. Lux, get the maps, boys we are going to need some coffee. Leave me and my son a minute and meet us in an office that isn't in shambles." 

Everyone left the room without another word. I didn't want to face my mother but I knew that I couldn't avoid the harsh words that were surely coming my way. I turned to face her; but I was surprised when she wrapped her arms around me in a tight and loving embrace. 

"I know this is hard honey bear." Her nickname for me made it all the harder to be mad. 

I returned her hug tightly. "I can't do this without her." 

"You have been doing this without her as long as you have been Alpha," my chest grumbled and she poked me hard in it breaking our hug. "I know that this feels impossible. Losing your father was the hardest thing that I ever had to do in my life, and I will remind you that you and your three siblings were not easy children to birth or raise." I shook my head at her attempted joke. "Honey bear, we are all here to get her back and we will. But you need to stop ripping in to anyone and everyone. Your sister was out of line and I will deal with her later but  you have to try to keep calm and come up with a plan our we are going to lose our packmates and Liana. Okay?"

"Okay," I sighed. I knew that she was right. Getting into fights and breaking everything around me wasn't going to get Liana back to me in one piece. I knew it was hurting my chances of getting her back at all and that each time I fought someone on this I was making it harder for them to accept her and me as their leaders. "I just..."

"I know." 

"I didn't tell her." 

"You will."

"How can you be so sure?" 

"I know the Goddess doesn't make mistakes. We were meant for this Titus and we are going to be prepared. Now, put on your Alpha face, get in Bella's office, and make a plan to get your girl back." 

"What do I do with Mathias?" 

"He's your cousin."

"He betrayed me."

"Perhaps there's a reason."

"I don't think I can forgive him this time." 

"That's a question for when all of this is over and Liana is safely returned home." 

"Let's go." My mother followed me toward Bella's office which was in the packhouse a few miles from my own home. As I reached the door I felt a sense of panic and fear wash over me. I couldn't decipher if it was my own but it was so strong I had to pause to take a breath. My mother watched intently as I reached the office. Before I opened the door there was a sting across my face and the taste of blood in my mouth. I growled.

"What is it?" My mother touched my back. 

"They're at it again and she's scared," I whispered back. 

"She's strong Titus. She'll hold on until we get there." 

I nodded and opened the door. The others had spread a large map over Bella's desk. There were a few cups of coffee set to the side which I gladly helped myself to. 

"We should come in from her home territory if they will let us," Bella looked to me. 

"It's unlikely that they would. Her father wants her with Philious, there is a possibility that he is aware of what is happening and I can't risk word getting back so they can move her before we get there." 

"Well you've been to his territory a couple of times right?" Ven asks and I nod. "Mathias said she's being held in the bunker. Do you know where that is?" 

I looked over the map of the territory and sighed, "No." 

"Bunker?" Bella raises an eyebrow at Ven. "They don't have a bunker, they have some above ground cells near the packhouse but they don't really keep an underground structure. I've been over this with their head warrior. I recommended building one for rouge attacks just last year."

"Would we know if they had built them since?" Ven looked to Bella.

"They wouldn't have had the time. They don't have the power to move things along that quickly."

"Then Mathias is lying?" I rubbed my brow as a headache started to set in. 

"He might be," Ven looks disappointed. 

"Why would he lie when he's already giving us information?" Lux looks toward me. 

"I don't know. Maybe they've planned to draw us in." 

"For what? They already have what they want." 

She's right. "What they want..." I mumble to myself. "Bella, what about Redsky, did they have a bunker?"

"They did. It was under the Alpha house on the Eastern edge of the territory which is-" he pointed to a spot on the map. "Very close to Phil's territory."

"That's the land I gave him at the negotiation." Bella and I made eye contact. "What else did Mathias say?" 

Ven's eyes lit up, "he said and I quote: she's in the bunker cells, don't call between 10 and 12, that's my shift with her. Get her before the full moon." 

"He gave us her location and when we can access her without anyone knowing," Lux leaned back in relief. 

"When is the full moon?" I look to my mother. 

"Five days from now," she meets my gaze and holds it a moment. 

"Ready the warriors. We leave the day after tomorrow." I'm going to get her back.

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