Chapter 11: And Wanted What Was His

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The prince looked sad. That was the first thing I noticed. Standing there in his fancy clothes, a circlet of silver on his head, he looked like the drawings you see in fairy tales. Yet I couldn't stop looking at his eyes that stared off into the distance, how his mouth was turned down slightly. He was so pale and thin with dark circles under his eyes. He looked like a ghost. And then he looked at me. 

"NEPHEW!" shouted Princess Anna as she jumped out of her seat. I quickly looked away from the prince, my face bright red. I stared at my lap, trying to distract myself by counting the embordered flowers on my skirt.  

"Aunt," he said in a cold voice, as he sat down on the other side of Princess Anna. 

"Ah! 16 already," smiled Princess Anna wistfully, obviously not affected by the prince's cold tone. "They grow up so fast,  just you wait Kaitlyn you'll blink and they'll be 16."

"I hope so your highness. Your royal highness?" I heard the prince shift in his seat. I looked up for the first time and I immediately made eye contact with the prince again. Back to counting flowers. Where was I? 34 35... 

"What is it, Duchess?" he replied with the same cold tone, the words seemed to be rehearsed.  

"I apologize and I do wish you a happy birthday but I and my husband must get going. Since I am fast approaching my last weeks of pregnancy we wish to not risk this child by spending too much time out of the house. I was hoping we could give you our gift now and then we could return to our townhouse?"  I peaked a look at Kaitlyn as she talked and I found it hard to look away. She had a soft smile on her face that could melt the coldest ice, and she seemed to emit a golden aura. Even saying the most boring things she sounded like she was reciting poetry. 

"OH! But you will miss the party!" exclaimed Princess Anna distressed at the idea. I snuck a look at the prince, wondering if he would let her go early. Maybe if she could skip so could I.   

"You may leave whenever you want. I see no need in holding people here against their will." Princess Anna pouted disappointedly but her eyes lit up when they saw a servant walking over carrying an ornate box. 

"Your gift, your royal highness," smiled Kaitlyn as she gestured towards the servant. The servant moved to the side of the prince, dropping onto his knees and presenting the box over his head. I leaned over in my seat trying to catch a glimpse of what was in the box.  

"A sword!" exclaimed Princess Anna excitedly. The prince picked it up, and weigh it up in his hands. It was a beautiful sword, which wasn't something I thought I'd ever say. The blade was thin and appeared to be a marbled combination of gold and silver. An elegant black metal hilt showcased a large emerald and several glistening pearls. 

"It's by the Istrondus clan." said a low voice, everyone at the table turned in shock to see it was Duke Laurent who spoke.  

"Istrondus?!" exclaimed Thibault, obviously knowing something I didn't. Duke Laurent just nodded calmly, his eyes held a great intelligence in them. With a flick of his wrist, the prince twisted the sword around his hand as effortlessly as breathing. A smile snuck onto his face he was pleased with his gift. Speaking of gifts, I have come to the sudden realization that I didn't bring anything.  Oh, shi-

"The blade is fine! But now it must be time for my gift!" Exclaimed Belmont. The smile faded from the prince's face and he gestured for Kaitlyn and her husband to leave. As they walked away a servant arrived with an ornate box, about the size of a shoebox. "The world's largest diamond, found in my mine, I give as a gift to you. A show of thanks!" 

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