Chapter 22.5

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------Julian POV------

"Your Royal Highness?" I looked up from my work to see one of my father's knights standing in the doorway. 

"You may approach." My office was not nearly as grand as my father's but I did not need it to be as I did not often receive guests. My desk was overflowing with paperwork about sugar fields, a punishment by my father for who knows what. And my curtains were pulled tightly shut keeping out the afternoon heat and light. A single candle on my desk was all that illuminated the knight's worried expression. 

"Your Highness," He bowed, "It is Sir Thibault. He's at the training field." I waited for more but the knight only stared at me. 

"And this must come to my attention because?" I turned my attention back to my work trying to remember where I had been. 

"It is just," The knight paused considering his words carefully. "He's not acting quite himself. To be honest he has scared away most of the men. He keeps trying to duel us and I just thought well it might have something to do with what today is." 

"Today," I whispered to myself. My shoulders slumped, I had forgotten. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. You may leave." 

The training grounds were kept behind the palace just next to the stable. It had once been a thing of pride among the country's knights but had long fallen into disrepair. The wooden structure that curved around half of the field was crumbling away making it impossible to reach the seats on top. The field itself was empty except for several training dummies and stands filled with swords, wooden and real.  

Thibault did not look up as I approached. His attention was entirely on the dummy in front of him as he hacked at it wildly with his sword.  With a final slice, he took the head clean off of it, making corn and seeds spray everywhere. 

"You're gonna have to pay for that one," Thibualt jumped but smiled once he realized it was me. 

"No problem, I'll just use the 200 francs you still owe me." He watched me curiously as I walked over to the stand and selected two wooden swords. 

"Duel?" I offered up one of the swords to him but he pushed it aside. 

"If we are gonna duel it's going to be with big boy swords," He flicked his own sword dramatically showing off how it shone in the sun. 

"Fine," I sighed going to get one of the rental swords. 

"Uh-uh-uh" Thibault tisked "Am I not good enough for you to use your own sword? Or do you not want to get my disgusting poor person germs on it?" 

I sighed drawing out my new sword from its hilt. There were several reasons why using my sword was a bad idea, the least of which was that I had never actually trained with a sabre. I had a couple of lessons as a child but my main practice had always been spent with a long sword. Something that would quickly become a problem when fighting Thibault, who taught the incoming knights how to use a sabre even though his preferred weapon was dual rapiers.   

We got into position, tapping our swords against each other. Thibault was the first to move, forcing my sword back with a quick flick. Thibault fought like a flame, jumping around, attacking quickly, and retreating just as fast. I had been taught to fix myself and become a mountain, but that would not work with this much shorter sword. If I wanted to land a hit I would have to get closer to him. Perhaps I could- 


Just like that Thibault knocked the blade out of my hand, landing at my feet. 

"Okay this just won't do," Thibault sighed as he sheathed his sword. I knelt and picked up my sword, inspecting it to make sure it had not been damaged. "You're holding it wrong."  

"No, I'm not," I knew how to hold a sword, I was not that bad. 

"I mean it's not wrong, it's just... ineffective," Thibualt took my hand adjusting my grip. "Hold it like this and I won't be able to knock it off so easily" 

"Gah," I exclaimed dramatically while thrusting my sword forward.

"Oh you are bad at this," Thibault laughed. 

"I'm just not used to this sword," I complained as we got back in position. 

"Would you like to grab your long sword? Would you beat me then?" We tapped swords and started again. 

"No thanks," I didn't want to get shown up while using my preferred weapon. Suddenly Thibault went to strike, so I flicked my sword quickly, stopping him from knocking it out of my hand. 

"So did the duchess write back to you?" What? Thibault used my moment of distraction to slam his hilt into mine, forcing my sword up. 


"Oh lord! You really are smitten aren't you," Thibault chuckled. I pulled my sword down quickly, throwing him off his balance. "rude!" 

"I. am. not. smitten." I strained, trying to focus on Thibault as he danced around me.                  

"And yet you spend all day waiting with bated breath for her reply," he taunted. I lunged forward towards him but he had already moved out of the way, smaking my back as I went right past him.   

"Ow!" I turned quickly to try and hit him, but he was much closer than I had imagined. I sidestepped to not run into him but he just stuck out his leg sending me falling to the floor. 

"Don't worry my prince," He said mockingly as he offered me his hand. "I won't tell her how bad you are with the sword." I sighed and reluctantly took his arm. 

"Ettie is my friend. And in case you haven't noticed I don't have many of those. It's a relief to meet someone who isn't scared of me, or jealous of my status." 

"And how terrifying you are, not being able to hold a sword right after years of training." I stared at him, he was deflecting. It seemed he was at his funniest when trying to ignore how he felt. 

"Thibault?" Came a woman's voice from just outside the training arena. His face sunk and I turned to see who it was. Duchess Sarduo stumbled towards us, her face was red and her eyes glazed over. She smiled when she saw Thibault. "Thibault!" 

Thibault quickly made his way over to her, holding her up with his arms. 

"What are you doing out her mom?" He asked in hushed tones, despite there not being anyone else nearby.    

"I can find your father dear. Do you know where he is?" 

"I-" Thibault went rigid. I looked to the ground, I should not be watching this. 

"It's his birthday. We... we should be out celebrating," She stumbled over her words, and I couldn't tell if she truly believed what she was saying or wished she could. Thibault didn't speak he didn't even move a muscle. He just stood there holding her at a distance. "Thibault" her voice cracked. "Where is your father?"

I started to walk over, thought I should help but didn't know how. Duchess Sarduo looked at me, her eyes hauntingly large. And then she began to cry.     

Today Duke Sarduo would have been 49. Instead, he will be 48 forever. Just like my own mother frozen in time forever, where we can never reach them. Lady Rosseau is my friend. She can never be anything more. Because one day she will leave me, soon if she is as smart as I think she is, and I will be alone again. You can not miss something you never had. 

I have been alone since I was born, and I will be alone when I die. 

There is no point in trying to change my fate.   

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