Chapter 17

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Julian led the dance and it was only due to his skill that I looked somewhat graceful. Though it helped that the dance itself was only really four steps. Once I got the rhythm down I actually had the confidence to look away from my feet and up at him. Though I did step on his foot a couple of times during the learning process. 

"Thibault told me you are feeling better," he said, his face staying expressionless. "Though I don't know if I trust him to have the most reliable information." 

"I'm feeling much better," I looked over his shoulder to see Emilee glaring daggers at me. 

"When the music ends take two steps back and curtsey," Now that he mentioned it I recognized that the music had started to slow down. 

"Just one problem, I don't know how to curtsey" I whispered panicked. Of course, I was about to make a fool of myself in front of everyone. 

"Then don't," Julian smiled as we stopped. As a stood there frozen, he took a step back and bowed, planting a kiss on my gloved hand.  My face burned a bright red as all of the guests stared at me. I could see Emilee rolling her eyes, and Thibault smiling with his drink in hand. I looked to the floor embarrassed as the sound of clapping filled the air. Julian leaned in his check barely an inch away from mine.        

"We need to talk somewhere," he whispered in my ear "private," He took my hand in his and began walking towards a door. I was too stunned to say anything and let him lead me through the crowd as they all bowed before him. He pushed open the doors that lead into the garden and as they shut behind us I was cooled down in the moonlight. 

It was the perfect weather. Just cold enough that the wind bit at your nose and ears but not cold enough for a jacket to be necessary. The only light, other than the white light of the stars, was the faint golden light of the occasional lantern. We were hidden from the view of the balcony by a large willow tree, though through the gaps in its leaves we could see them. 

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked as he peaked around a tall bush making sure no one else was nearby.  

"How did you know about Belmont?" His voice was hushed but his tone was serious. 


"I had Thibault look into the mine. You were right it stopped producing diamonds a while ago, it's almost empty now. One look into Belmont's accounts and see all the royal funding he kept for himself. There never was a diamond. The idiot exposed his entire scheme because he was too greedy to spend his money on a birthday gift." Julian's eyes bore into mine, sometimes I forget how serious this was for everyone here. For me, it is just a book for everyone else it is their lives. "But the question is, how did you know about any of this?" 

Okay, Ettie quickly let's think of an idea here. God, why do I make everything so much more difficult for myself? Let's use those acting skills. Pretending to be a dumb idiot is my only chance. Well, a dumber idiot.     

"I'm really into geology?" Oh my god, I think that is the stupidest thing I have ever said. 


"Yeah- I'm really interested in like how diamonds are formed and stuff." One look at him and I could tell he didn't believe me. Too bad that the real reason was just as unbelievable.  'I'm besties with your dead mom' might land me in a psychiatric ward meanwhile liking rocks makes me a weirdo. "So in my free time, I have been researching the different mines around the country. You talking about it just jogged my memory. I know it's kind of boring but I've had nothing else to do since.. the accident."  A half-truth, I had been reading a lot since I was trapped in the manor, just not about rocks.

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