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Percy came out off the river completely dry with a message from his father that the quest must be completed before Dec 21 when they hold there winter solstice. As he was in this thought he received a electric slap on the face which was followed by a Punch to gut. Percy was not able to react as he was engulfed into a hug by Thalia and Nico. Thalia was openly crying on Percy's chest.

Percy felt guilt in his chest as he forgets his choice's affect people around him, The guilt increased as he felt sorry for scaring them. Percy quickly dragged them away as there was a huge crowd gathering there as according to them some lunatic broke the monument and jump off it. Percy was sure him mother and girlfriend's would have some say to stunt he pulled.

They got back on there train to Denver. They got off the train as they headed to a restaurant for food. Percy would usually summon food but he sometimes liked to eat outside Thalia and Nico did not complained as they wanted junk food The food Percy summoned was always nutritional and tasty but they wanted double chees burger with no other topping.

As they ordered the food and sat on the seat waiting, Percy remembered one crucial thing that they didn't had any money. Percy was ready to wash dishes for them but same could not be said about other two. As this discussion was going on Nico heard rumbling of a motorcycle as they looked at the direction they saw a huge, muscular man with black jeans, combat boots, a black leather duster, and a red muscle shirt. He also had a large hunting knife strapped to his thigh. he got of his bike and entered the restaurant. 

The atmosphere suddenly turned violent the man was giving of aggressive vibe.

He came sat beside Percy.

What can we do for you lord Ares said Percy. The other occupants just nodded. Area's had a smile on his face as he removed his glasses and looked directly into Percy's eye. Percy could see the flame-filled eye sockets. Percy did not felt his emotion change but same could not be said about other two as they were ready to punch him. Ares smiled at the unwavering attitude of Percy. He reduced the his affect. 

Finally a demigod who could face me without getting affected said Ares. Thankyou for your compliment lord Ares, So what can we do for you asked Percy again. Well I need you to get me a shield from Waterland  and in turn I will give you a ride to west. Percy was about to reject when he saw Ares keyring he immediately agreed. Thalia and Nico were about to protest when they saw Percy giving them a sign for we will talk latter so they shut there mouth. Ares smiled as he paid for there meals and left he obviously did not payed money in mortal cash he gave the waiter gold coins when the waiter was about to protest he took out the knife which immediately silenced him.

Percy and other's quickly ate the food and left outside the duo questioned Percy on why he accepted the quest when they were all ready on a bigger quest. Percy told them that keychain off Ares Poseidon's trident and Hades helm in them Percy was not sure about the master bolt thou as soon he figures that out they are going to kick his ass this calmed them down.

They went to the waterpark witch was mentioned by Ares. It was locked but Thalia zapped it.

They entered the park after going through some rides they saw The empty pool was at least fifty meters (fifty-five yards) across and shaped like a bowl, around the rim there were bronze statues of standing guard with their wings spread and bows ready to fire. There were also multiple mirrors in the room, They must be obsessed with one another to come here commented Thalia. There was a tunnel leading to the pool, with a sign above it reading "THRILL RIDE O' LOVE: THIS IS NOT YOUR PARENTS' TUNNEL OF LOVE!" 

Percy was about to jump in to get the shield but Thalia beat him to it, Nico went with her as soon as she picked the shield there was sound of gears turning Percy knew it was a trap he asked them to get on the boat as they climbed on the statue the head's of statue opened and camera came out from it. Thalia and Nico looked in horror as hundred of metal spiders started to inter the pool.

Percy concentrated into the water from the pipes as they burst open and launched the boat in air. They would landed on solid asphalt floor If Thalia had not used her shoes to fly. Nico was hugging Thalia for dear life. Percy could not let this moment go to waste so he summoned Iris message and had few pic's clicked.

Percy was doing a great job of being a third wheel as he was gathering enough evidence to embrace in front of there kid's.

As they got on the floor Thalia was blushing but she freed her self from Nico and wacked Percy in the head. Percy fell on the ground clutching his head in pain. What were you trying to do make us into a pancake screamed Thalia.

I just overshot a little said Percy with a grin. A little Percy you launched the boat hundred meters. Huffed an angry Thalia Percy just smiled sheepishly as rubbed back of his head.


To be continued...........    

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