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Percy, Thalia and Nico left the waterpark to meet Ares. Thalia gave the shield to Percy as he would do the talking part. Percy kept the shield in his bag as they went to an alleyway where they were suppose to meet Ares.

Ares was waiting for them siting on his bike as he saw them coming he got off the bike and walked toward them. It was nice show you three put on the ratting have been all time highest said Ares with a smug look on his face.

Thalia and Nico were blushing. Percy handed him the shield as he complained how he lead them into a trap which was ment for gods. Ares replied to that by saying he was providing for there transport to Los Angels. He gave them a bag filled with Oreos and other supplies. He handed the bag to Thalia.

As soon as Ares turned Percy put his earthquake power his leg and kicked Ares between his leg with full force. Ares fell on his knee while holding his crotch. Percy took this moment to delivered a nasty hook to his temple which was infused with his earthquake power. Ares head hit the floor as he fell unconscious. As soon as he fell unconscious a dark shadow came out of his body as sky turned black, The trio felt scared of the presence. It was about to attack them but disappeared. 

Percy quickly went toward the bike keys and took out helm and trident from it. He threw helm to Nico. As soon as it came into contact with Nico it returned into it's original form. Percy held they keychain as it transformed into a beautiful trident both of which were radiating massive power.

Percy summoned Iris to click a photo of knockout Ares.

He then burned a fire and put the photo in fire as a sacrifice to Lord Hephaestus. He prayed him to give them god restraining chains temporarily.

Soon a chain fell beside his feat, He thanked the god as the trio tied Ares up.

Why are we doing this again asked Thalia.

Because Ares was being controlled by something when he regains his consciousness back he will be pissed and we need the master bolt too Said Percy.

As they were discussing this Ares started to stir awake. He saw him tied up and was very confused to what was going on.

Ares tried to free himself from the chain as he saw three kids standing in front off him.

lord Ares do you know where you are asked Percy.

 No, last I remember was meeting in winter solstice.

Fuck the three teen's combined said.

 Percy explained whole situation to Areas that how weapons were missing how they were on a quest how they found the weapons with him. 

Ares was stunned and furious that how could someone control the god.

Lord Areas have you any Idea where the Master bolt could be asked Nico.

I don't know kid I have no Idea what happened between summer solstice till know But the horses off my war chariot may know  you are son of Poseidon right you may be able to understand them. Percy nodded. 

Thalia was not sure how Ares was giving good Ideas, He was suppose to be stupid.

Ares let out a loud whistle as  chariot came down pulling them were flamed covered horses.

Percy looked at them and touched there forehead. 

Wow he can touch them said Ares.

What do you mean asked Nico.

Well usually if someone tried to touch them they would have ripped his head off said Ares.

Percy removed his hands from the horses and summoned donuts for them which they devoured it.

We need to go to lotus casino in Las Vegas , They saw him entering the casino with it and came out empty handed.

They all were about to leave when Ares shouted you forgot to free me. Percy came back with a sheepish smile and freed him. Ares left on his chariot. Percy dumped the chains in fire that he summoned thanking Lord Hephaestus.

So how do we reach las Vegas we don't have the money. Nico did not have the answer. As they heard the sound of the bike they saw Percy sitting on Ares bike with a mad grin on his face.

They both joined him as Percy raised the accelerator.

It should have taken them around twenty three hours to reach Las Vegas but Percy was driving between 180 too 210 Km per hour. They reached the destination within 14 hours. Thalia and Nico were scared by the rash cuts Percy made.

They parked the bike in front off the casino. 

They entered the casino they saw huge casino with the hotel as they went to reception to check in as they did not wanted unwanted attention. The receptionist smiled and check them in and gave them three plastic cards.

Nico knew this place so he told them it was a place was a trap for Lotus eater's and to not eat any thing given to them.

Percy and Thalia agreed as they split up in search of bolt Percy was on top floor Nico was on mid and ground floor and Thalia was in Casino searching for the bolt.

Nico found the mid floor was very heavily guarded. He let out a low pitched whistle signaling the other two Percy and Thalia came within minute as they looked at the security it was mostly mortals so they covered them self with the mist and Entered the room Inside was Master bolt witch was kept in a glass case.

At this moment Percy did not cared if braking the glass would raise a alarm or anything he smashed the glass as alarms went on he threw the bolt to Thalia.

He broke opened the glass as they jumped of the 7th floor they fell in a pool.

As they quickly made there way out off it.


To be continued......................   


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