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The camp was going as normal as it could go without a magical border protecting you. They did there activity's normally except the pest that was on Percy's nerve. Percy had never felt a strong urge to kill someone.

He was purposely putting campers in danger he purposely revived an ancient tradition in the form of a chariot race. It was a very dangerous it was previously banned in camp as it caused death a severe injury. He was doing all this to get his revenge on god's. He tried to get Nico hurt but that backfired as Thalia saved him and Percy delivered a kick into his face which made hit the wall of big house  and cracked it.

Percy was punished as he was not aloud to participate in the race which he was grateful for as chariot races consist of teams with two campers racing around a track in a chariot. One would be the driver and the other would attack the opponent's chariots with various magical weapons and modifications. He was not sure how three of them could team up but now that problem was solved. He was still going to help them and look out that no one gets hurt.

Percy got them fastest horse from his father, Nico arranged the buggy, Thalia arranged wheels. The chariot was the combination of  big three and it was going to run like like that.

The race was next day they did all they could they stored the chariot in cabin 3 as it was currently empty plus no body would be able to mess with it as nobody could enter it without his permission.

The next day all the competitor gathered in front off big house with chariot as the camper's gathered to cheer there siblings and friends. Mr. D and Tantalus were in the porch of big house with Percy to look at the race. Everyone had different chariot the one that stood out the most as it had pure white horses with black buggy and gold wheels with cloud pattern on them. Nico and Thalia were standing fully decked out armed in Greek armor.

Nico was going to be driver as Thalia take offence. Percy was sure they would hurt someone by mistake so he was prepared to save them.

The race begin as Thalia and Nico immediately took the lead. Others were not far behind but those two were not taking it seriously. Thalia summoned lighting in her hands and threw it at other's. The first bolt connected with Demeter cabins chariot witch was blown up.

Percy caught the candidate before they could get hurt. Percy glared at Thalia who smiled sheepishly.

The race was going fine suddenly monstrous pigeon-like birds started attacking.

Percy looked at Mr. D for permission as soon as he nodded. Percy summoned his bow and shot the birds most of the campers ran for cover while Apollo and Ares kid's fought them Nico and Thalia summoned their bow as well and killed the birds as well.

As they killed the birds Tantalus declared Clarisse the winner. Trio and Ares kids clapped for Clarisse other's were not happy that she cheated.

Thalia said she did not not cheated she just took the opportunity.

Percy Nico and Thalia were given kitchen patrol as according to Tantalus they were responsible for the bird action. Percy wanted to Punch the men in face but held back because of Mr. D.

Tantalus orders a feast to be prepared for Clarisse in her triumph.

Clarisse nor were any camper happy how he punished The trio without any reason but were scarred to raise there voice. 

Percy gave them a smile to not worry.


Percy was sitting by the camp fire as he thought of a way to save the camp. A lady in her late 20s came out of fire as Percy jump to hug here. She returned the hug with equal passion. Percy too a deep breath as Hestia's sent relaxed him. To Percy she smelled like everything good.

Hestia sat next to Percy as she put her arm around the Percy as Percy snuggled into her. She asked what was bothering him, He told her how he was worried about camp security. Hestia rubbed Percy's back for comfort him. She then told him to ask for Athena's help as she must have a plan.

Percy nodded as he sat with his mother till she had to leave, before leaving she gave him cookie pouches for all the cabin's as they all were felling down. Percy nodded as he picked up the crate and distributed the cookies. That day camper's decided in union that they could go at war for Lady Hestia's cookies.

Percy was happy that they enjoyed it. Percy then explained his conversation with his mother to Nico and Thalia. He told them he would go to Athena at Night as it would not attract attention.

Nico and Thalia teased Percy but Percy teased them back saying he did not needed nephew and niece this soon. This made them bush hard as Percy laughed at their misery.


To be continued...........

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