Caitlyn and Vi Blood and Water

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I held Caitlyn in my arms as her legs gave out In grief. Jinx had just launched her rocket squarely at the Council Chambers. We were helpless as the rocket drove inescapably closer to the tower across the river in Piltover. We watched in shock. As it came to impact the building in smoke and the sound that followed a second after shook us to tremble and fall to our knees.

Caitlyn screamed out, "No!!!"

She turned to look away burying her face in my arm. But I couldn't remove my eyes from the scene....



Before we begin our story. This is an introspective glimpse of the existing relationship between Vi and Caitlyn before that night with Jinx... (Spoilers: watch Arcane on Netflix first). Also this is admittedly lengthy (probably too much) feel free to dive into the novel in the next part if you want to skip this... stay till the end for an epic battle...

How did they quickly fall into this deep connection and trust for one another so quickly? This juxtaposition felt innate and true from the beginning.

Caitlyn, first took a leap of faith in Stillwater setting Vi free -taking a tremendous risk. Does this fondness for Vi come from pity at the beginning likely for how Vi's been treated? Does she agree she will need some serious help as she's currently alone in her pursuit of Jinx? Will this be a conflict later? Even when she took the biggest risk when she broke her out of prison. This was the start of her interest in Vi.

Throughout the scenes later in the Undercity there's this mutual push to help each other. As they pushed the massive structure together (Vi's childhood home and hideout) it collapses giving them a swift escape from Silco. Vi grabbed Caitlyn out of the way from the collapse. Caitlyn continues to keep them moving as they run through the lanes to get away together. The imagery of the building mirroring the corruption, the larger state of things falling to give way for them to leave together is pure. Together they worked to escape their dire situation and kept moving together. And by the end they are side by side again despite it all.

Captured by the Firelight's Caitlyn thinks they are interrogating Vi and she quickly offers herself up instead. Though Vi teases her "my hero," Cait retorts, "I thought they were hurting you!"

This speaks a lot to Caitlyn's character. She even hugs the man that leads her to get the life saving potion for Vi. Because he helped her save Vi and also because she sees the good in people. Looking beyond the surface - unlike her superficial stigmatized and segregated society.


Caitlyn is intuitive and beyond caring, her nature is an asset and a weakness. She's incredibly deductive and has been trying to figure Vi out the entire time. Always seeing the small details and the good in people.


Vi hides behind the wise ass remarks and her Brawn. She fights to survive and protect. She was beat down nearly everyday of her life, Especially the last several years in prison (7yrs maybe more). She cares deeply for her family coupled with her vendetta against Silco this all gives Vi the strength to keep living and fighting.


Vi clearly thinks Caitlyn is hot perhaps giving her initial interest in this girl she just met. She actually says as much to her face near the beginning, "you're hot cupcake," aggressively pinning her to the wall in the brothel. Flirt

Caitlyn has touched and held Vi's face a number of times. She didn't want to let go of Vi on the bridge. Out of compassion yes, but there's more than that, there is true yearning there. She wants to be with - to stay with Vi. Vi returns this briefly touching Caitlin's cheek before turning goodbye.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now