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A prologue dive into Jinx's mind before the rocket.

Jinx is the epitome of psychosis, borderline personality disorder, and the anti-hero. She is the ultimate story of survival by any means necessary. She has so much justifiable pain and incredible bad ass strength to still be living. Actually she's thriving in her own ways and the paths she has chosen for Powder.

Jinx has obviously seen it and probably done it all in her few short years under Silco's wing. Her obvious wardrobe choice, eccentrics, and wicked unrepentant behaviors toward Silco and his henchman are a clear sign she's incredibly strong and unafraid of them or any consequences.

Vi is the reason Jinx exists.

Although both sisters are incredibly young and traumatized in numerous ways when Vander and their brothers are killed accidentally by Powder - Vi threw that literal first punch and strikes Powder in the face. She further destroyed the innocent little sister she had and then just walked away. All the while Powder begging for her to stay. Although it was not Vi's choice to stay away for so long, as she was captured, Vi did take those first and defining actions which triggered this fracture in Powder's mind. The beginning of the end.

There is a tug of these personalities vying for full control over Powder's body and decisions. She's aware there's another side to herself and tries to bury the scared little girl of her past in favor of the resilient Jinx persona.

There is so much to this character because she is in essence two different people struggling to survive. She's torn right until she makes the damning decision to slaughter the council with her rocket in vengeance for Silco and revenge against Vi, and Caitlyn...


What Jinx is afraid of is Vi. Her impulsive killing of the girl that looked to be Vi on the airship is Jinx's way of ridding herself of her weakness. But when she is actually confronted with the real Vi Powder is brought back momentarily. She longs for that lost sister, what could have been.

Their reunion is cut short by Caitlyn following Vi. Then the fight proceeds with the Firelights and both Vi and Caitlyn are captured. Powder is trying to justify these events of losing her sister again. She goes back and forth struggling to make sense of what's real: Did she leave me or was she taken? Who is this girl she's with? Is she just some top sider, but there's more to her. She is taking Vi away from me too! She chooses her target and remembers her name - Caitlyn is now the enemy.

Ekko points out to Vi, "your sister works for (Silco) not because she has to, but because she wants to... that's who she is now."

Again Vi chooses to protect Caitlyn over choosing to be with Jinx on the bridge and at the tea party. This affirms to Jinx that her delusions are justified and real. Essentially this lights the match to a much bigger threat.

Ravens swarm the area before the rocket launches. And make appearances in multiple scenes often with Jinx. Alluding to this threat.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora