Sweet yet Vile

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We contemplated our next steps. Reluctantly it seemed Jinx was our best option. We had built many unique weapons, armor, defenses; trained many, and brought together some of the finest warriors Runeterra had every seen, but was it enough? We had some serious innovations but we all knew Jinx could out wit us all.

So we further made preparations into the next night and Caitlyn and I plotted how best to work with Jinx. Jinx and Singed were pouring over notes and prototypes as we left. Viktor and Jayce began creating more hex cores and tech. Ambessa and Mel went to inform the mages' and Ekko and Heimerdinger plotted unconventional methods to surprise the enemy.

We made it home and kept going back and forth over our options. Finally we got so tired we couldn't keep going Caitlyn fell asleep on the floor and I scooped her up placing her in bed kissing her forehead.

How could life be so sweet and yet so vile?

Everything we had endured and everything we were about to do kept me up in a panic for hours but I finally crashed to sleep out of sheer exhaustion. We thought it would be best to take shifts watching the house.

We didn't know if Jinx or anyone else would show up. Caitlyn let me sleep in a little as she contemplated and reviewed her notes in the morning.

"Hey." I woke up and sat up watching her study.

"Hi Love. We have a lot of work to do."

"Yeah I know, I can't make sense of it all. How are you doing?" I asked.

She exhaled. "Hmm, actually some of the pieces may fall into place..." She explained.

"Wow how does your mind work like that? It's amazing." I grinned.

"Well I have you to keep me going." She sat beside me, placing her head on my shoulder.

"So what's next Cupcake?"

"Hmmm next you and I take a much needed shower, then we'll get to work." She winked and led the way. We got dressed and ready to depart.

Jinx knocked on our door. This was so weird. "Hiya sleepy heads." She mused and let herself in.

"So what's the plan for today?"

"Well I thought you were working with the Doctor..." I said.

"Boring... besides I got him started there. He's got a lot of work to do."

I blinked, "what the hell do you want?"

She smiled, "well we ought to spend some time together don't you think?"


"Right well, we could show her around, it's been a few months after all." Caitlyn nudged me but also grabbed my arm tightly placing her other hand on my shoulder tapping lighting.

"Oh yes, let's test these training grounds! But first I have something to show you two." Jinx got excited, her smile and eyes widened. She was happy, not hostile.

"This is such a bad idea." I said.

"Oh come on, I'm not that crazy!" She laughed while waiting for us. I swallowed hard.

We grabbed our gear and started toward Viktor's test site.

"So what have you two been up to since I've been locked up?" She asked as we walked.

"Oh you know this and that." I said. Caitlyn blushed slightly.

"Mhmm that's what I thought you couldn't keep your hands off each other."

"Seriously that's what you're wondering?" I was just so exhausted. "Look do you want to taunt us or get some work done?"

"Both... ya know I love to have fun..." Jinx wandered into the test site. "Let's test my new baby, then we can head to the training grounds. I've got to work some of this tension out." She shook her hands out, throwing her head side to side.

"Sure." Caitlyn motioned.

Jinx ran into the lab and retrieved something from the Doctor. It was glowing purple and green, not unlike her rocket launcher. We both tensed. I raised my gauntlets.

"Oh come on if I wanted you dead you'd be dead already." Jinx sneered and raised her shoulders.

"Fair enough." Caitlyn shook her head.

She aimed this new gun? No, it was a real contraption; It clicked its gears together starting up. A trap? That wasn't it either.

"What is it?" I called out.

"Oh put your goggles on!" Jinx yelled back.

Then it erupted into a violent massive flash. Everything the radius touched was literally singed to ash. We just gawked at the crater of black smoldering ground for a moment. A raven landed on a post nearby causing me to blink.

"Isn't it amazing?! I'm glad it worked, I thought it might kill me." She cackled with a little bounce in her step. "I call it cinder." Jinx spit something out of mouth, her face covered in ash, as she wiped away at her mouth and nose. "I figure it can repel or kill any of those void creepy crawlies I keep hearing about."

"That's... that's brilliant." Caitlyn chimed. I shook my head. I thought it was scary as hell.

"Thank ya sister stealer. Oh it does have a longer cooldown than I'd like. Maybe hextech could solve that issue..." She looked for an answer.

"If you hand it over to Jayce he can deal with that. There's no way in hell you're getting your hands on a gemstone." I called back, clenching my jaw and hands.

"Well, doesn't hurt to ask... there's more but it's not ready yet." Jinx grinned back. "So now let's go see those training grounds," her eyes flicked purple as she winked with a grin.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now