Darkness Part 1

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Caitlyn POV

Darkness descends closer. My vantage point is clear in every direction. I can see Vi and the others below. I wish she were here with me not so many yards away out of reach. I breathe in a heavy slow breathe and try to stay present a little longer.

Ambessa shouts, "Forward!" And so it begins. One steady line then two split off with a contingent of brawlers and healers. Mel stays with Jayce to the left. Vi proceeds with her crew accompanied by Sivir and Kai'sa to the right. And I wait.

Jinx and Ekko had a plan and said they wouldn't make themselves known until the last possible moment. I trusted them. Despite everything she's done, I can see why Vi still fought for her, still loves her.

Ashe shoots an arrow high above everyone lighting a path and there we can now see it all. The smoke curls up to show a vast nothingness unfamiliar shapes and motions. Deep purple and black twisting and lunging in all directions. The infantry hit it head on. Swords and arrows pierce into it but still it advances.

Then a being comes into view. No two creatures. One towering above the other with claws and teeth we've never seen. He stomps heavy and spikes flew up from the ground piercing soft flesh. The other hopped with a set of wings almost no face but it's fangs gnashed. These must be the children. We fired from a far but it did little damage. They seemed to be armored, some kind of hard living tissue on their backs and heads. Vi and Jayce each stepped up with hextech encircling them in violent bolts ready for a stunning blow. They threw their weapons at the beasts and made contact. It did slow them, suddenly more smaller creatures emerged and the battle unfolded into chaos.

Our marksmen set our sights on the smaller crawlers letting our fighters engage the larger beasts. Back and forth screeching from the beasts echoed off the walls of nearby Piltover. Our artillery started to take damage as the beasts and their horde moved in closer to the city. They were truly massive and strong. Then out of nowhere a bright beam of light sank into their shielding - both of them at the same time. Lux,  Garen's sister, held her wand steady incinerating away anything in the path of her blast. She was careful to narrowly avoid friendly units. Then she fell back. Ashe and I took our headshots. Multiple actually and the other marksmen followed suit on the 2 beasts. Finally they fell.

Then all hell broke lose. It seemed every creature emerged from the smoke at once. Slime threw into the air that landed like acid.  A huge eye that was somehow floating shot lasers about the field. A man without a face threw dark magic about in circles all around. Every one of their attacks did tremendous damage and we could hardly get close enough to engage them. Sivir and Kai'sa stepped ahead asking the heaviest brawlers to shield incoming damage as they hurled their weapons further out. It worked for a time, but the enemy grew stronger much like in Noxus everyone started to fall back to regroup.

Beasts chased them down as we retreated, my marksmen tried to keep them at bay but it was growing increasingly harder to do.

When we reached the wall of the city brilliant green lights started to fly through the air. The Firelights! They were hard to see in the thick smoke which suffocated the light but we knew it was them. They started throwing grenades from above. Jinx's explosives. Green smoke billowed up from bellow and the beasts began to writhe in pain. This must be Singe's formula. We continued to barrage the beasts with artillery. Then massive explosions began to be dropped. High pitched cries from the void split the air in half. And yet the smoke continued to rise.

The earth began to shake. We were all thrown off balance. The earth opened up a seam to the world below just in front of Piltover's gates. A voice laughed out and my hair stood on end.

Ambessa pulled her armies back and the select elite fighters and mage's stood ready for another fight. Each mage spread out between the fighters and each marksmen stood ready to let our armaments fly.

Out crawled the thing. Maybe 10 stories tall and massively wide it spread itself across the span of the wall. It's shape kept contorting, constantly moving and changing. A swing of a fist was thrown by Vi's gauntlet but it missed, almost creating a hole where she had planned to land her strike. The Mother stood impressive and terrifying. Everyone gave it their best efforts but almost none of their attacks actually landed. She threw herself at the wall to Piltover, breaking it down with ease.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt