Chapter 7 : Insignia

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Three years has passed.

Elroy has become more and more busy each day because of his duty as the crown prince. Despite all of that, he still find some time to invite me and Seth to come over just to hangout and chat over a cup of tea.

Seth has passed the Calyx Order entrance exam as an official trainee. Father made him as my temporary personal knight. Since, to be someone's personal knight, one must be officially knighted first, at the very least at the age of 15.

Seth became my personal knight because Asher stepped down from his knight trainee position and insist of becoming my personal butler for some reason.

Luca is now 7 years old and he's still the same ol' troublemaker he is. Though he's more mature compared to 3 years ago. He's also preparing to officially join the Calyx Order as a trainee next year.

Meanwhile, I too, have joined the Calyx Order as a trainee along with Seth. My body has improved along these 3 years. The weak and sickly Morana is barely no more.

Using my knowledge in fencing, I'm now able to spar face-to-face with the lowest ranking knight in the order. Currently, me and Seth are the youngest knights in the order, so we're told to spar from time to time.

The game didn't lie when they said Seth's sword skill is higher than average. In only 3 years I've seen it with my own eyes and I must say, his improvement is really fast yet steady.

Though I sometimes feels like he's holding back on me, while he won't even have any mercy towards the other knights.

Maybe it's because I'm a girl. Considering how Seth is, he wouldn't dare to hurt a lady. He's never even leave a scar on me.

Leaving that aside, my sword skill has been improving a lot. Even more than my fencing skill from my previous life.

But there's one problem...

I've been neglecting my duty as the daughter of a marquess.

Sure I have no problem in doing all the paperworks. It's just... The social events are the ones that I've been neglecting...

Tea parties, birthday invitation, engagement proposal. Ugh... I personally don't see the importance of doing all that stuff but...

At this rate, I would be isolated from the high society like Morana originally was.

I do have something in mind... Something to make a name out of myself...

The insignia magic.

The Vrisite Kingdom has been spilt to five territory.

Jadeite territory, belongs to the imperial palace. Located in the middle of the four other territory. Ruled by Theia, the goddess of land through the imperial cathedral.

Coventry territory, belongs to the house of Coventry. Located at the west of the imperial palace. Ruled by Chloris, the goddess of nature through the church of Coventry.

Columbi territory, belongs to the house of Columbi. Located at the south of the imperial palace. Ruled by Picus, the god of the sky through the church of Columbi.

Cassio territory, belongs to the house of Cassio. Located at the east of pthe imperial palace. Ruled by Glaucus, god of the sea through the temple of Cassio

And lastly, Pilate territory, belongs to the house of Pilate. Located at the north of the imperial palace. Ruled by Iris, goddess of rainbow through the church of Pilate.

Each of them holds something called attribute.

It is a symbolism for a family of some sort. Every noble family in the kingdom except for the five territory holder and some duke and marquess houses, have their surname named over something.

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