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Michael's POV

My bones break and realign, landing on my paws, leaving my clothes in pieces. It is a painful process turning into my Wolf but as you grow older, you get used to it, I feel my senses heightened and I feel freer, breathing in the evening air is a good respite from the pain and loss. I run through the forest, the wind blowing through my fur leaving a feeling of a cold sensation.
I run faster, rounding the parameter, I am running out of breath but I push myself harder.

We have all but tripled patrols now and any rogues spotted are to be killed on site. No mercy. The damn bastards are the source of all my troubles.

Kathy's face is front and centre on my mind. I could not bring myself to see her as much while she was in a coma because it hurt to see her that way. Seeing that beautiful smile on her face when I walked into the room was both a happy and a sad moment. I never wanted to take that smile away from her but the truth had to be told. Dr Williams was right she was going to find out sooner or later.

She cried for hours, she had to be given a sedative for her to calm down and get some sleep.  The doctor says she can come home tomorrow, her physical recovery is good but he worries for her mental state. I kept on reassuring her that it was not her fault while she cried but I know that she blames herself.

I am trying goddess knows I am trying not to be angry at her. She did what she thought was right even when our child paid the price.

I run to the bane of all my borders.

Panting, I walk to a tree, change back and put on some shorts hidden in a small shrub.  I stand at the edge of the western border looking into the forests, taking a deep breathe in and exhaling a harsh breathe out through my mouth.

Warriors in both human and wolf form pass me by with a tilt of the head barring their necks in submission.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your mate" I turn to the sound of the voice "Chris! oh come on man! put on some clothes"
"Why?, It's not the first time you are seeing me naked and definitely not the last" he deadpans "we are wolves" he says with a half shrug. I sigh. His is right. Nudity is part of our lives. "How is she?"
"She is... fine I guess, she knows what happened so she cried herself to sleep but the good news is that she will be discharged tomorrow" I am happy that she is coming home, I just don't know what to do or say to her to make it better.
"I am sorry Alpha, I wish things didn't turn out this way" 
"Me too" 
"You know, I used to complain about my home life, wife nagging all the time, Ethan wanting to play then the rogues came and I remember the sickening feeling of dread that I would never see them again. Now I cherish every second I spend with them. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through but just know that I am here for you" 
"Thanks Chris" I say squeezing his shoulder "I need to head back".
Chris changes back into his white wolf then continues patrol while I walk back to the pack house. It will take me longer to reach the pack house but I prefer it that way.

Funerals were held earlier in the week for the warriors we lost, Dad officiated over the ceremony. I could not do it, I locked myself up in the Alpha's suite. I couldn't go home. I feel horrible that Vincent is caught up in all of this, he has been living with Doris since the attack.  I remember the time I first took him to see his mum at the clinic, he cried so much, it hurt to see him like that. I told him that mummy was going to wake up soon and that he needed to go to school so that when she woke up, he would have great stories to tell her.

When I return to the pack house, I head upstairs to my office to talk to the acting Alpha.
"Hi Dad"
"Hey son, what are you doing here? Why are you not with Kathy? 
"She is resting, I thought I come and see how things are going"
"This is not my first time being Alpha, I think I can manage, go, be with your mate, she needs you more than I do". He says.

"Alpha, she is awake" Doris says through mind link.
"Is Vincent with you?"
"Yes, he is"
"Am on my way". I stand from my sit, say goodbye to my dad then head to the clinic.
"Dad!" Vincent screams as he jumps from his sitting position on the bed next to Kathy. I pick him up, hoisting him in my arms.
"Mummy is awake!" he says excitedly pointing to Kathy with a beaming smile on his face. I walk to her bedside and place him down on the bed. Placing a kiss to Kathy's temple, I sit on a chair watching Vincent talk animatedly about what he has been doing at school while Kathy smiles adding a word or two on occasion, but her smile does not reach her eyes. Doris sits in a corner of the room looking on.
Kathy looks exhausted even though she has just woken up. Her eyes are red and puffy. She is different, with everything that has happened, we will never be as we were before. But we have to try, we still have each other, we still have our son.

"Guess what!, Mummy is coming home tomorrow" he stares at his mother who nods her head while he shrieks. My family is back together again.

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