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Kathy's POV

I sat on the bed thinking of the last two years, from the first day I met my mate to this day. All the happiness, tragedies we have been through. I tried to focus on the good parts, his love for me, his unfailing support for me yet my thoughts were consumed by all the ways I had let him down.
I am weak. I tried to be a good Luna but I have brought nothing good, only pain. My mate suffers with me because he has no choice, his stuck with me.

Not for long.

I burst into tears thinking of the could have beens and what is to come. My heart felt like it had been torn to pieces.
Micheal swooped in and wrapped his arms around me asking me what was wrong but I couldn't tell him then. 
I promised to tell him later tonight. I will not, he will find out either way. After tonight, I will never be able to face him. He will hate me forever.

We got ready for the party and with our - with my son, we joined the rest of the pack.

Loud chatter is all around me, smiles, happy faces. Pack members let loose, they dance, they sing. Micheal leads me to the open space for a dance, he smiles yet it does not reach his eyes, I am pretty sure his face is a reflection of mine.
"You look beautiful" he whispers. He twirls me around pulling me back to his chest. After a few minutes, we sit back down on a log around the fire, Micheal draws me closer to him, wrapping his hand tightly around my waist.
"Ah! Alpha Micheal attacked me. Oh my bloody chest and wounded pride" Chris says as he laughs uproariously at his own jest prompting the others to join. No one worries that Alpha Dean might retaliate by attacking our pack. It would be foolish of him and blood may be shed unnecessarily. But his bruised ego may lead him to make stupid decisions.
"And his mate is obnoxious, goddess I almost clawed her face off" Mellisa says. The head warrior has been following me the last few days, she thinks I don't notice.
"I almost did too" Sandra adds "though am happy our Alpha put her pompous mate in his place. No one disrespects our Luna"
"Yes, no one disrespects our Luna" Jude shouts.
"Yes, to our Luna!" Lea rises her beer in the air.
"To our Luna" They all toast.

Not for long.

I need to leave. I try to stand but Michael's grip around my waist prevents me from moving an inch.
"Babe, let me go"
"Where are you going?" he asks with his eyebrow raised.
"To pee. Now let go" he chuckles "Okay, give me a kiss first" he puckers his lips.
"Yes sherioshly or I won let go" Child. Pressing my lips to his, he finally let's go. I walk to the pack house to look for my mother. When  I spot her, I drag her to her flat while she keeps asking questions which I cannot answer in front of other members of the pack.
"Honey, what is it? what is going on?" she asks for the umpteenth time once the door is closed, I turn to look at her "mama do you trust me?"
"What, why are you asking me that?"
"Just answer me, please mama"
"Of course I trust you honey"
"Okay I want you to go to my house not drawing attention to yourself, pack a few clothes for me and Vincent, pack a bag for yourself too, we are leaving tonight". I am hoping we will be able to move into the human town far from here.
"Just trust me Mama"
I leave my very worried and confused mother and make my way downstairs. Now I need to find a way to leave the pack house and head to the woods undetected. The witch - Helen did not specify the exact time we are to meet but am assuming that it is around this time.
After tonight. All will change forever.

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