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Kathy's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep
The all too familiar sounds. The voices in the background.
"When is she going to wake up?, it's been more than a day"
"Do not worry Alpha, she will wake up soon, her wolf is healing her quiet well"
"Thank you Dr Williams"
"It is my job Alpha"
I groan peeling my eyelids open blinking a few times to adjust to the light. I am startled as the door slams shut, Dr Williams stands alone in front of me with no sign of my mate.
This is definitely deja vu.
"How are you feeling Luna?"
"I feel fine" I say sitting upright. I could ask where my mate has rushed off to but I won't. We have been through this before. Besides, I don't know what to say to him.
My mind is exhausted and I feel... Anger. Anger at myself for my stupidity.
Diana. goddess I feel so stupid. How could I not have known?
'only the bond will be broken. You will both be fine'.
How could I believe that scheming witch?
The red flags were there all along yet I was desperate to free him from me. I did what I thought was right.
The door opens and Chris walks in.
"Am glad you awake Luna, how are you feeling?"
"I am fine"
"That's good. Uh- the Alpha has sent me to inform you that there will be a pack meeting in 30 minutes, Sandra will be here soon with a change of clothes".
"Oh okay" I don't know what else to say.
Soon enough Sandra comes in with a change of clothes. She stays silent as she waits for me to change out of my gown. We proceed out of the clinic to the open field where we find the pack already gathered.
Michaell stands at the podium ready to address the crowd.
Sandra guides me to the podium as I stare at my mate perplexed. He won't even turn to look at me. 
"Good evening pack, I have gathered you all here so that you may be witness to the judgement that I will pass today against the former Luna and the three warriors for the offence of kidnapping and life endangerment" Michael says as pack members begin to mutter amongst themselves.
It's only now that I notice Diana, Lea, Jude and Dante standing at the front of the pack bound in chains.
"But before I pass my judgement, would the accused like to say anything in their defense?" My mate asks gazing at them.
"Have mercy Alpha, I didn't know that they planned on killing her" Dante pleads with his face sunken
"Do not beg warrior, we did nothing wrong" Diana shouts
"Trying to kill your Luna is not wrong?" My mate bellows
"My Luna, Tsk Tsk. What has she done for her to be worthy to be called Luna. All she brings is bad luck, a curse and all I wanted was to free you from that curse"
"Shut up mother!"
"No! I will not shut up. Son. can't you see that all she has done is make you unhappy. Look at her! She is my age which means she is basically a mother to you and you call it love. Open your eyes! She can't even give you an heir"
"I said enough!" Michael commands. I am frozen to my spot, choosing to be silent, not willing to let the tears fall despite the undeniable hurt.
"I only speak the truth. She...does not deserve to be Luna." Diana says pointing towards me. A deafening silence settles over the pack, my eyes roam through the crowd as I watch the reactions of the people that stand before me. I see nods of agreement on contemptuous faces to Diana's words and the people I counted to be friends avoid eye contact. My mother stands in the crowd with Vincent by her side, tears streaming down her face.
"And for the whole kidnapping thing, his alive isn't he? David will find another mate. A witch cannot  be mated to a warrior of the Bloodhowler's pack" she continues
"And who are you to decide that. It is the goddess that decides who we are mated to, you have no right to interfere"
"Says the woman who wanted to break her bond gifted by the goddess." Diana chuckles
"She is such a hypocrite" Lea smirks which shuts me up.
I am a hypocrite.
The pack begins to loudly chatter amongst themselves.
"Silence!" Michael commands "now here is my judgement. For there offences the former Luna and the three accused warriors are to be banished from this pack!"
"No!. You can't turn your own mother into a rogue" Diana screams
Dante breaks down in tears, falling to the ground hands on his face. Jude and Lea are visibly shaken, staring at each other in shock.
" You have until sunset to leave my pack, your mates will have a choice. They will either leave with you or stay in the pack. " Michael says.
"Michael I..." My words are stuck in my throat, Michael's unsettling gaze towards me is enough to seal my lips. It's best I stay quiet.
The crowd quickly disperses. Diana is dragged across the field, kicking and screaming, Derrick follows quietly behind. Dante sobs uncontrollably, his mate is nowhere to be seen. Jude and Lea walk in silence, tears in their eyes it seems that the gravity of the situation is beginning to dawn on them. I can't believe Lea was in on this. Actually, I can believe it because she is my mate's ex but I kinda hoped that she would be different and not fall into the whole cliché story of wanting something that is not yours to be begin with. She obviously thought that after am gone she would be the new Luna. What would her mate think?
My mate leaves with his Beta and warriors.
I am left alone standing awkwardly on the podium.
What now?

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