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Michael's POV

"The Teron pack wanted to find out if you will be able to attend their Alpha's ceremony"
"The clinic is running low on medical supplies, we need to send one of the warriors to the human town". I utter a grunt while flipping through pages of pack reports.
"More pack members are requesting for land to build their houses, the pack house is getting too crowded"
"Mm - hmm" Mellisa keeps asking me questions though I am having a hard time paying attention.
"The mice are also requesting for a piece of land to build their homes"
"Okay -uh-wait what!?"
"I can see that I finally now have your attention Alpha" Mellisa chuckles
"Am sorry, I have a lot on my mind" My mind keeps going back to the clinic this morning, seeing the little baby in Kathy's arms made me long for a child of my own, had me thinking that this could have been us, if only. I don't want Kathy to know how I feel despite us promising not to keep things from each other, I will get over it. she will only end up hurt and I don't want that. We are in a good place right now.
"I think we can call it a day, we will continue our meeting tomorrow". I say standing up from my sit.
"Of course Alpha" Mellisa bows then walks out of my office.

I walk home, a gentle wind blows through, leaving me with a cool sensation all across my skin. The front door is opened, I see my father walking out, Kathy holds the door open. His eyes widen once we lock eyes.
"Hi son, I didn't expect to see you here at this time" he says walking down the wooden steps.
"I decided to leave the office early, what are you doing here?" asking as he stops in front of me.
"Just thought I would pay Luna a visit, I will be leaving now, have a nice day son". My Dad pats my shoulder then walks down the path I came from. I know my father has an ulterior motive for coming here.

Later, I am sitting on the couch watching television with Kathy by my side, none of us are paying any attention to it, it is background noise.
Kathy keeps stealing glances at me, fiddling with her fingers, opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water.
"Okay, what is it?" I ask turning on the couch to face her, "I know you want to tell me something" she seems startled, for a few seconds she stays silent.
"Yes but before I say anything, I want you to promise not to get angry" she replies, sitting Criss cross.
"Fine. I promise not to be mad"
"I Uh have been thinking um - about us and our future, about the future of the pack and your happiness" I raise my eyebrow waiting for her to continue "I saw you today at the clinic, the way you looked at Katherine, I know you want a baby and I can't give you that..."
"Kathy le..."
"Wait, let me finish" she holds up her hand "like I said I can't but you can still have a baby through a surrogate mother, I am okay with it, the child will be y..." I hold my hand up to her mouth not wanting to hear anymore.
"But I am not okay with it. You and Vince are my family, I don't want another baby" I say stroking her chin. "Wait" now it all makes sense. "Is that why my father was here?" I knew that my father was up to something.
"No - he just came to see how I was doing" she says in a hesitant voice.
"No more keeping things from each other, remember?" tilting her chin up to look into her eyes.
"Yes, okay, he merely suggested. Don't go confronting him, he is doing what he thinks is right." His meddling in our lives.
"He is just worried about the future of the pack" she says wrapping her arms around my neck  "this is not only about us Michael it's about our pack, as Alpha and Luna we have a duty to our pack"
"I know beautiful" pecking her on the lips
"Does it mean you will consider it?"
"Michael..." she whines
"No Kathy, we already have a son, I do not want another child" Kathy is not thinking of the repercussions of having a child through a surrogate mother, she may pretend to be okay with it now but it will hurt her to see another woman carrying my pup, the wolf within her will torment her for failing in one of her duties as the Alpha female.
"But Vincent is not an Alpha" she reasons
"You don't know that, we will only know for sure when he turns sixteen"
"You do know the Alpha gene is only passed from Alpha to Alpha"
"You don't know that for sure, I have heard of cases where a wolf became Alpha despite not being born into the Alpha line".
"Michael, the chances of that happening are like one in a million" she is being pessimistic "You will at least think about it?" she tries
"Because I have all I need, right here" wrapping my arms around her in a bear hug, she shrieks as we fall back, her back hitting the couch, touching my lips to hers

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