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My all the friends looked very terrified and confused because they were holding a black box which were kept outside there door and they had a note which was on my box and there name written on it and one black box was also for me and there was a box in which no one's name was written but that was a second thing .

I thought that it's not okay to open the box here so me and all my friends went to the treehouse in the woods near to our place we took fury to in case of safety and he could also feel the danger .

It was a very dark night , no one was there only me and my friends and fury , we were on our way but Vanshika suddenly stopped I said what happened vanshika ?? She said I think someone is following us but there was no one I said Don't worry you can come ahead I and sis will be at the back ,  you in the middle , Jaivil and fury on the front .

We were walking just then sis stopped she too said she felt someone following us now that was terrifying, all of them were now holding my hand tightly we all started running and we reached . We went upstairs and closed the door but suddenly there was a knock on the door we all were scared but I opened the door and to my surprise it was my friend Kavya I didn't expect her to come here and she was the one following us .

From the starting of this complete matter she knew that we knew something about this situation and we all told her everything that happened she too looked confused . Now it was the time when we had to open the black box , I opened the box first there was a very dark black suit such as an agent and when sissy And vanshika opened the box they too had a black suit .

We didn't knew who gave this too us now it was the time to read the notes just then Vanshika said what about that box which is left to be opened we all knew that it contained a black suit too but whom could it be for ?? Just then we looked at each other and had our eyesight on kavya because she was the only one who knew about this mystery except us and when she opened the box it had her name on the box .

I opened the note and my all the friends were also looking into it along with fury . What I read in the note made me clearly understood whom this box and the note was from .....

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