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The dragon behind them was awake and now was ready to hurt all of my friends but before the dragon could burst his fire ball my all friends and person from the school authority started running towards the exit of the cave but Jaivil fell down as there was rock in his way and dragon behind him bursted his fire ball but sis turned into a raven and caught jaivil on her claws and flew towards the exit .

They all immediately sat in car and went back home . After a couple of mins they reached home , they all were really sad because of my death kavya and sis started cry again , my all friends tried to calm them down but kavya was continuously repeating one thing " it's all my fault , if I wouldn't have been hypnotized, he would have been here with all of us. "

I too got really emotional at the time but I can't talk to them or they even can't see me , tears were running down from my eyes , but with just a blink I was at a place which was really calm , there were clouds all around , there was a pleasant breeze and the place felt like a dream , just when I was admiring the beautiful place I heard a voice from behind , I turned back and saw the same creature who came and gave me the yin yang staff .

He said " Hello , it's nice to meet you though we have met before , I came to help you out with your problem and God asked me if I could give you the yin yang staff which was kept hidden in the cave of knowledge ." I said " I really appreciate your help , I wanted to say thank you but you disappeared but Thanks a lot for your help."

Creature said " your welcome , now come with me god is waiting for you." Just as the creature turned back a big beautiful carved golden gate appeared in front of it , as the creature moved forward the golden gate opened and with that I saw the beautiful heaven made in a form of a kingdom on an island of clouds .

There were many things which were to be explored but I followed the creature . Soon walking after a few mins and after seeing many people , birds and different things on our way we reached a big palace which had a gigantic entrance with a gigantic door . The creature opened the door and asked me to go in .

As I entered I saw a golden throne in front of me and god was sitting on it . I was nervous but I went a bit forward and kneeled down , god said " no need to kneel Dhyey , stand up."
I stood up and said " God , why am I here ?? " God said " you are here as I wanted to meet you but your death was an unwanted accident but before you should meet someone who is waiting to give you something . " I asked who is it ??. * The gigantic door opens *.

I saw Diya entering and coming forward . God said " she wanted to give you a thing first take it and listen her and after that I will speak " Diya said " Dhyey do you remember the book I was talking my all the secrets ??" I nodded .

She said " here you go this is the book " I was in a complete shock how does she have the book when she said it's deep somewhere in her house . Diya said " yes I said that it's deep inside my house but the person in black suit was   hearing all of us from behind by being invisible , and here you go this is my power and I need you to give it to Daksh." I asked " why do you want me to give your powers to Daksh ??" She said " you will know it very soon and don't forget to read my book " after saying this she left.

As she left god said " Dhyey , you are in this situation as i wanted to prepare you up for a task about which I will let you know in future , you have been performing really well in this situation for which I am really happy as I can see how you care and fight for your friends and how you use your brain and strategies at specific times . But you accidentally got killed by the venom of your friend but it wasn't a fault of your friend as you know and so that you can take a revenge and can succeed this mission I am giving your life back to you and you will still have your power phoniex but give me a moment I will make it more stronger for you " I was floating in air and turned into phoniex and I could feel that I was absorbing more power .

God said " here you go , all the very best !!." And within a blink I again turned into original me , I was so happy and tried my more powerful power and with this I said " Better be careful , I am back!! "

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