ch. 8 - encounters

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*the next day*

Mandy was excited for her date with Dominic. She hadn't had a first date in so long, which made her nervous too. Although she'd already met him, she had only known him 2 days. But nevertheless, Mandy really liked Dominic and was ready for today. They both agreed to head over to a local coffee shop after school and just chat.

That morning, Mandy put on a light blue sundress. It was an A-line, with ruffles at the bottom and on the sleeves. It was the perfect balance between school dress code and a casual date.

When she arrived into first period, Hunter was (unfortunately) already in his seat, which was still next to Mandy's. She didn't want to let him bother her, so she headed to her seat and set up her supplies, hoping Dominic would arrive soon. 

Hunter: "Hey again"

Mandy: "Hi" *she remained focused on getting her things set up*

Hunter: "Wow, you sound enthusiastic"

Mandy: *she paused and looked up at him* "I'm sorry, what?"

Hunter: "I was joking, lighten up. *he smiled*

She looked at him, puzzled, and noticed Dominic finally entered.

Thank God.

Dominic: "Morning Manda! *he smiled* You ready for today?"

Mandy: "You bet."

Dominic: "You look so pretty."

Mandy: "Aww.. thank you! You look good too."

Hunter: *throwing himself into their conversation* "Wow, you could never accept compliments back when I knew you."

Mandy: "Excuse me? I-"

Dominic: "Haha um.. what? You two know each other?"

Mandy: "Yes but-"

Hunter: "Yeah I knew Amanda, we used to be really close."

Dominic: *forcing a polite smile* "It's Mandy."

Hunter: "I know." *they exchanged a stern look*

Mandy: "Well, Hunter, people change. Besides, you don't know anything about me now, so please drop it." *she attempted a gentle smile to not sound mean*

Mandy looked at Dominic, signaling him to forget about it. Hunter looked to Mandy and raised an eyebrow. 

Hunter: "I don't know, Amanda, you'd be surprised at what I know about you."

Mandy: "I- *she pauses to take in that last half of his respose* I go by Mandy now, can't you just call me that please."

Hunter: "I prefer Amanda... it reminds me of us in the old days.

Mandy: "Hunter, I'm leaving... I've already left -  those days behind me. I'm sorry but I'm really not interested in taking a trip down memory lane."

Before he could respond, the bell rang and class began. They didn't exchange any words after.


*the end of school*

Dominic: "Ready?"

Mandy: "Yes!"

Dominic: "Okay let's go in my car, and then when we're done we can head back here to pick up your car."

Mandy: "Sounds good."

They headed to his car. He drove a grey Jeep.

He opened the door for her (which she took note of) and then started driving to the coffee shop. The cafe was less than 5 minutes away from their school.

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