ch. 19 - the candle burns again

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Mandy had to go to school the next day. Hunter said it may be best if she stuck with him, incase Dominic tried to do anything. She thought that was a safe thing to do, so she warned Hunter that she would stick to him like glue today. 

When Mandy pulled into the school parking lot, she parked in a different spot than her usual one. She kept her eyes peeled for any sign of Dominic or Mason. She went to her locker and Hunter was already standing there, leaning against the cage. He smiled when he saw her, and Mandy felt a feeling of relief when she saw him. 

Hunter: "Good morning. Your personal escort is here."

Mandy: "Haha... I'm sorry if this is inconvenient for you."

Hunter: "Are you kidding? I'm great at being a body guard. I was even trained in mixed martial arts for this moment *he winked*."

Mandy raised her eyebrows and gave him a playful look. She grabbed her books for first period and headed off to class with Hunter. 

When they entered the class, Dominic was already in his seat and saw them enter together. 

Here we go.

Hunter whispered to Mandy and explained an idea he had.

Hunter: "Okay, what if we swapped seats for today's class? Mrs. Wallace is never fully awake or assertive in 1st period, so she probably won't even notice. This way, I'll be in the middle of you guys and it will be harder for him to interact with you."

Mandy: "Sounds good."

They sat in each other's seats, and Dominic immediately grew pissed. 

Dominic: "Dude what do you think you're doing? You taking on the role of knight and shining armor or something?"

Hunter: "Yeah, actually I am. Deal with it."

Dominic: "Whatever *he looked over to Mandy* Mandy! Come over here I wanna talk."

Mandy: "No, we're over and I don't want anything to do with you."

Dominic: "You know that's not true. Look, some untrue things came up that night and we can sort it out if we just talk."

Mandy: "No, there's no way that what went down was "untrue". You were drinking, which as an ASB member is incredibly immoral, and reality comes out when you uncontrollably consume alcohol. Oh and here -"

She reached in her backpack and took out the bracelet that Dominic bought her. She threw it over to him and he caught it. He looked at it longingly. 

Mandy: "I hope you still have the receipt for that."

Mandy turned forward and didn't focus on Dominic anymore. Hunter pulled him close, and brought his voice to a whisper, so that only Dominic could hear him. He said: 

Hunter: "Don't you ever bother her again. And you know what happened to Mason and his little friend, so if you even think about hurting her, I'll do 10 times the damage to you."

Hunter leaned back out, not even caring if Dominic was going to respond or not. And Dominic looked defeated. Class began, and Mandy felt a moment of relief. 


After school, Mandy and Hunter were gonna go to the studio and work some more. Mandy needed to grab an extra pair of clothes and supplies at her house, and they wanted to carpool, so both her and Hunter drove to her house. 

*at Mandy's house*

Mandy: "You can come in, I just need to get a few things. We can also grab some of my dad's tools if you need them."

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