ch. 13 - partners

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They both bowed to each other. They tapped gloves, which basically is a symbol of shaking hands, and backed up. They started circling around the ring, remaining light on their feet and active.

Hunter was the first to make a shot. He gave a straight and swift left punch to Mandy's face, but she weaved to the side before he was able to make contact.

Mandy looked deep into Hunter's eyes. She kept her mind clear and focused. She was being careful to show no emotion. This was her way of fighting. She makes eye contact with her opponent, and doesn't take her eyes off of theirs. She uses her peripheral vision to see any attacks they make. But by remaining emotionless, and locked on their eyes, they couldn't anticipate her moves or reactions.

She still hadn't thrown a shot yet.

Hunter gave two more straight punches, and both she blocked with her gloves. Then, she made her first move.

She immediately went in with her famous leg kick. It was slightly different than a regular round kick. A round kick is usually aimed at the waist, or above the hips. But the leg-kick was a low kick aimed specifically at the thigh of the opponent. When Mandy was still training with her instructor, he taught her the leg kick, and she made it her signature move. It was a newer move that other kids hadn't learned yet, but she perfected it and used it to her advantage. It always knocked people's balance, and hurt like a scooter to the ankle.

She threw the kick, and it perfectly hit Hunter's left thigh.

Hunter: "Ough *he winced and took in the pain* I forgot what that felt like."

Mandy didn't respond.

Hunter recovered and regained focus. He went in to attempt to corner her. She started to go back, but then charged forward, giving him punch after punch. Right hooks, straight punches, and uppercuts. She would alternate her target, some shots going to his head, but most going to his stomach because he was a lot taller than he used to be.

Hunter was now in the corner. But, he slightly nudged Mandy back, giving him just enough space for him to hit and move.

Mandy threw a round kick, and Hunter caught it. He cupped his arm over her leg, and firmly wrapped his other arm around her waist, holding his body against hers. Mandy's stomach grew butterflies, but she tried her best to not let that distract her from holding her balance on her one leg.

She knew what was next: A sweep.

He looked into Mandy's eyes and smirked. She couldn't get out of his clutch. He then took his right leg and placed it behind Mandy's left leg on the ground (he still had a hold of her right leg). He finally wrapped his leg around her leg and pulled it off the ground, throwing Mandy down.

Mandy tucked in her chin and stuck out her arms to prepare for impact; She shut her eyes.

But before she reached the ground, Hunter quickly kneeled down and had placed his hand under Mandy's head, and the other around her lower waist. He caught her.

She opened her eyes and he gently lowered her to the floor. Then he offered her his hand to get up. She took it, and they both repositioned themselves.

Next, Mandy went in first. She stepped forward, leading with a right jab to Hunter's side, and followed with a left punch to the nose. He countered with a right hook and front kick, which pushed Mandy back.

Then, before Mandy could get back over to him, the inevitable and most dreaded thing happened.

Hunter took a quick pause to spit out his mouth guard. Mandy was really confused, but he gave her a look of reassurance to tell her it was fine. She assumed his mouth piece was broken or something. As they were circling, and Mandy was throwing more punches, she noticed Hunter was more focusing on defense than offense, which is really unlike him.

Hunter: "I'm really proud of you."

Mandy kept focusing on the fight (Hunter was doing the same), but still responded.

Mandy: "Um thanks?"

Hunter: "By the way this is not meant to be cringy and awkward."

Mandy was very confused, so she just ignored him and kept focusing on her fighting.

Hunter: *he laughed a little* "Also, please do not tell a living soul about this or I'll punch you very, very hard."

And that's when she knew.

He was quoting her love letter to him.

She stumbled back, not sure what to do. She was caught off guard. She spit out her mouth piece so that she could speak clearly. He kept up his fight though, so she did the same.

Mandy: "You better stop."

But he kept going.

Hunter: "This is definitely not easy for me to say but..."

She charged at him, bringing her level of contact up to an 8. She swung punch after punch (specifically aiming at his mouth), trying to do anything before his next sentence.

She finally dove down beneath him and went in for a takedown. However, the one she was about to attempt was a little more difficult, especially because Hunter was taller and longer than her. It was a standing takedown.

She grabbed his legs, cupping one hand around each knee. Finally, she placed her head into his body and with all her might, pulled his legs out and pushed his body back. It worked.

He fell back. She thought that it would end then and there. But there's more.

She fell on top of him. But before even having a moment to blink, Hunter rolled over with Mandy, so that he was now on top.

Mandy: "What are you doi-"

She was cut off by the soft lips of Hunter's pressing into hers.

She froze up in disbelief and shock, then closed her eyes and gave in.

The timer buzzed to tell them to stop, but they kept going. He began taking off his boxing gloves, and Mandy's, without breaking the kiss. He placed his one hand on her face, and was holding Mandy's hand with the other.

The moment Mandy had always dreamed about finally became her reality.

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