ch. 18 - helping hands

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Homecoming Queen. A title Mandy no longer wanted. She didn't want it if it meant being seen, compared, or even thought about with Dominic. 

Mandy woke up the next morning, and started contemplating the events of her previous night. She was still so shocked that Dominic had set up the Mason situation. But another thing she grazed over was the fact that he said he loved her. That was the first time someone ever told her that (excluding family of course). Her issue was that she felt like they had barely started dating, and couldn't possibly love someone that soon. That's why she couldn't say it back; she didn't want to say something untrue and rushed. And it ended up being a good thing to not say it back in the moment. 

After thinking a few things through, she decided to move on and check her phone. She received multiple texts from Dominic, and one from Hunter. She first blocked Dominic on all platforms and then opened Hunter's message. 

Hunter: Hey, you okay?

Mandy: Yeah I'm fine. Thank you again for last night.

Hunter: Of course. Also, if you need to blow off some steam, I'll be at the studio today if you want a punching bag...or my face... to hit for a while. I bought new punching bags recently, so I could use someone to break them in

Mandy laughed to herself. He was making a reference to a memory they shared.


When Mandy was 9, and Hunter 10, there was a day when Mandy came to class angry because she was having trouble with some mean girls at school. Hunter noticed she was off.

Young Hunter: "What's wrong, Amanda?"

Young Amanda: "I'm fine... just dealing with stupid mean girls."

Young Hunter: "Oh sorry... maybe you can take out your anger on a punching bag later. Wanna be boxing partners today?" 

Young Amanda: "Sure"

They paired up and started fighting, but Amanda was channeling her anger into her fighting way too much. She recklessly swung her fists at Hunter.

Young Hunter: "WOAH WOAH WOAH I know I said take your anger out on something but I didn't mean take it out on my face!"

(flashback over)

Mandy didn't want to stay at home today, especially if Dominic tried to come to her house, so she thought spending her Sunday at Hunter's studio would be good. Plus, she could help him set things up if he needed help. That was sort of like her ASB skills coming in: trying to help wherever necessary. 

She got up and put on the shirt that Hunter gave her from last time, with some comfortable black nike shorts. Before she left, she explained to her parents that Dominic and her broke up (without going into the details of why), so that they could politely send him away if he came to their house today. Mandy hopped in her Range Rover and headed over to the studio. 

*at the studio*

Hunter: "Good morning"

Mandy: "Hi" *she smiled*

Hunter: "There's a pot of coffee over in the back room, if you'd like some."

Mandy: "I'm good, but thanks. Do you need help with anything?"

Hunter: "Well... yeah, but I didn't invite you here to do my work.

Mandy: "C'mon, let me help. I'm here, so might as well."

Hunter: "I'm gonna be here all day doing boring stuff. You don't want to get into this. Go ahead and just chill or something"

Mandy: "No, I'm free all day. And you won't have to be here all day if you have an extra pair of hands to help."

Hunter: "Okay, fine. But you can't blame me if I put you to work."

Mandy: "What's first, boss?"

They began to work on numerous things. Hunter definitely kept her busy. They patched holes in the walls, brought in and sorted through equipment, placed orders for new uniforms, painted the bathroom walls, and way more. They were both tired, but had so much fun working together. Once they finished today's jobs, they sat down and talked while eating some food they door dashed. 

Hunter: "Man I didn't think we'd get through these things so fast, thanks for being here."

Mandy: "I'm glad I could help... I'm still so amazed by the work you've put into this place."

Hunter: "Honestly, same. I never would have imagined putting myself through this project, but it seems to be something I'm really passionate about."

Mandy: "So... are you going to open it? Like, what's your plan after all this remodeling and designing?"

Hunter: "Part of me really wants to open up classes, and do exactly what we did with our old instructor. But, I fear that I won't be able to do it on my own, ya know? My parents don't even have a clue about this place."

Mandy: "Wait, what? This whole time your parents didn't know? How come? How'd you even get this place then?"

Hunter: "Well I have my own bank account and sources since I turned 18 in the summer, so I bought it with my own money. When I came across this place, the guy offered it to me for a really good deal because the building was abandoned and in lousy shape. I didn't want to tell my parents because they would get all involved and think it conflicted with school stuff. Which for the record, it hasn't."

Mandy: "I see... that's so crazy to think you've done all this on your own. If you ever need anymore help, I'd gladly donate my time to this place."

Hunter: "Thanks. Having you around made things a lot simpler today. I guess ASB kids do have a purpose."

Mandy: "Hey! Rude." 

They laughed. Eventually, they both got up and cleaned up their messes from working. Before Mandy left, Hunter stopped her. 

Hunter: "Can I ask you something real quick? It's really random."

Mandy: "Sure, what's up?"

Hunter: "What do you want to be when you grow up? Like what are you thinking of pursuing after high school?"

Mandy: "Oh- well... I'm pretty sure I want to be a teacher."

Hunter: "Why a teacher? Any specific subject?"

Mandy: "I don't know yet. All I'm certain of is that I love working with kids, and I want to be someone who makes a child feel confident in themselves when learning and trying something new."

Hunter: "Wow, that sounds really great. I was just curious... anyways, I'll see you around."

He leaned in (which threw Mandy off at first) and hugged her. He walked her to her car, and waved as she drove off. 

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