Thirty Two

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Charlotte Crawford

I wrapped the final gift twisting the last tie sorting them in the corner of our room to pack in a suitcase

"Damn you are a psychopath over the holidays" I rolled my eyes turning to Belle who stared at the pile of the perfectly wrapped gifts

"I've always been like this around Christmas, plus we are spending it with his family. Presentation is important, plus remember the last time I didn't wrap correctly with mom"

"But mom isn't going to be there" Belle mused "neither is her evil little sidekick our father!" She sat on the couch near the fire pit in our room as it crackled

"Soooo" I looked up as a grin stretched on her face "yes there is a couple gifts in this pile for you" I looked around "but I don't see any for me"

"They are in the guest room packed away because you peak!" He stepped into the room

"You like to spoil your Christmas gifts?" His voice was husky as he removed his tie entering the room looking to Belle "hey Belle how's Yale"

"Finals sucked but they are over!" She cheered "she doesn't intentionally spoil the gifts, she just can't help herself"

"Noted" he said looking at me and then to the pile of gifts "your wrapping is so-"

"Crazy" Belle cut in "psychotic, concerning-"

"A little, did you do all that yourself?" He gazed at the gifts impressed

"We get the 23rd of December off so I had to keep myself busy today before we leave, plus I didn't know if I would have time to" I placed the wrapping, ribbon and scissors in a box

"Are you both packed?" I looked at him and nodded "good, we have to go soon the plane is on the tarmac"

"Oh I seriously thought we were taking a road trip" He looked at Belle confused as I shook my head"we would just drive there to go skiing growing up... let's just say Charlotte wasn't the best"

"Okay, fine I can't ski... your no Olympian!"

"With traffic we would not make it at a reasonable hour, Charlotte would get car sick and we would have to stop every thirty minutes" I stuck my tongue out at him annoyed

"How mature" he countered

"Nobody has ever told me to act my age, so why should I?" I shrugged "plus twenty two year olds do this all the time, I know two of them who do it frequently"

"Oh I always get told to act my age" Belle chuckled "I'll go bring my stuff to the elevator" she left the room heading downstairs

"So your like, really into Christmas" he seemed surprised, to be fair he has no idea who he married

"It just brings me joy in ways giving to others plus the decorations spending time with family, we'd usually go to Lizzy and Josh's and my parents would join us Christmas Day at night sometimes"

"Are you sad not going this year?"

"it's always too much drama, my parents ruin everything and Lizzy's great but without Emma"

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