Fourty Seven

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Charlotte Crawford

"Are you carrying the heir or not" my hands began to shake again as he stared at me. The gun pointed towards my bump, the most difficult decision of my life was in my hands

I looked to my mother, a wicked grin spread across her face. No sympathy for me, my child or the little boy in the cell across and Jillian against the wall. I felt a sting on my face from his cold punch beating me in and soon the grace of the gun moving my hair back

"I don't know" I looked him in the eye "I don't know what I'm having" a whisper left my mouth as the cold chains seemed to tighten though loose

"If your lying to me, I'll kill you" he placed the gun right in my heart as it was beating a mile a minute. I could feel the hot rim burning my skin marking it but barely feeling the pain from the numbness

"No matter what, I'm going to end up dead anyways" I kept my voice stern but I was on the verge of breaking "she's telling the truth"

Jillian's voice strained as she reached through the bars towards the gun and he whipped it towards her as she jumped "She doesn't know the gender"

I looked up to Amara, she knows the truth. Belle must have told her at some point, but now she was silent for reasons I couldn't understand. Maybe because she wanted him to kill me in belief of me carrying a son

"I wouldn't be lying in a situation like this, risking my sister and nephews life" she was reaching for him "please Atlas, she doesn't know. They chose to not know, they wanted it to be a surprise" her voice broke as she said the words as tears continued to stream from her eyes

All attention was taken to the upstairs when a loud explosion was heard. Then the pain came, he slammed my back against the wall my head crashing into the concrete and then stormed off Amara running behind "Charlotte" Jillian whispered nervously

I could feel myself getting dizzy, I could feel a warmth in the back of my head and below my nose as Jillian screamed. Something was bad

I coughed as I tried to pull my strength together to keep my eyes open and saw her face it looked shaken

She reached for my hand again, holding it tightly in comfort "it's okay Charlotte" she attempted to hold back her weeps towards me, but I couldn't even cry

I lifted my unsteady hand towards the back of my head to feel blood and my hand felt cold

"if I-" taking big gasp of air as I felt most of it leaving me. It felt like I was drowning under water as the air was quickly leaving my struggling lungs, nobody was coming to save me

"if i don't make it" I trailed off, she shook her head at me, her frail hand gripping mine harder "don't say that Charlie" she wept, grieving before I was gone, holding onto every last bit of me

"Tell Nathaniel" I gasped for air "that I love him" I smiled through the pain as it felt like ripping my skin "we'll be okay" my hand caressing my bump, I saw her bubble up as she felt more distant than ever as my sight blurred

"Charlotte" I opened my eyes again weakly "no, you are not dying. You do not get to die, you have a little girl and my brother waiting for you- You don't get to just give up!" She gripped the bars as if she wanted to break them slamming her hands against them "Don't you dare die on me!"

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