Fourty Two

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You can scroll past the mature to continue its an important chapter!!!!

Charlotte Crawford

I poked his side as he slept but he didn't budge. I did it again with more force this time causing him to shift slightly uncomfortably and then a third time-

"My god what do you want" ah hah victory!

"A dog" he immediately moved his face from the pillow to meet mine

"Immediately no"

"I know, I just wanted your attention... to ask you a question" he raised a brow as he was half awake

"What is it amore?" He ran his hand to my thigh placing it down to rest as he tried to keep his eyes open

"I want my sister out of Amara and Harrison's grasp, but I might bankrupt myself while doing it and I want to know your opinion" he blinked his eyes multiple times unsure if he heard me correctly and then took in a deep breath holding it for a solid minute

"What do you mean bankrupt yourself?"

"Well, I just graduated college and just began working for Amara and Harrison so I don't have a whole lot of money but a decent amount. But to my point I want to pay off Belles college tuition" I leaned myself against the headboard cozying up in the duvet

"How much is it, I can pay it" he said it as if it were some type of pocket change

"Uh, well it's for all four years. Paying Yale for two more and then my parents Belle's debts, so about I don't know three hundred to four hundred grand?" I bit my bottom lip

"I swear I can pay it myself, but I don't have it all so I was going to ask for a loan" he laughed at me

"A loan, are you fucking ridiculous" he reached out his hand placing it on my heart as I stared at the tattoo on his hand "that's just silly Charlotte, I'll pay for it. I won't have you bankrupt yourself Tesoro, Belles family I paid for Jillian's I can pay for Belle's"

"You paid for Jillian's?" He nodded sitting up

"I did, my parents for the first time ever were struggling financially last year after dad lost a deal and losing any funds was risk so, I paid it. Then they took it back over" he leaned in taking my lips into his

"You are so pretty in the mornings, did you know that" he swiftly pulled me to his lap as if I weighed nothing "so beautiful" he grinned pulling me in for a kiss again and then ran his hands up my shirt cupping my boobs

"I love you Tesoro" this time I leaned in kissing him as I grind against his crotch as he ran his fingers down my body to my shorts slowly

"You know I hate Valentine's Day, but it just so happens to be today" he whispered and then slipped his hands in right past my panties straight to my clit a gasp escaped my mouth

"Is that so?" He nodded having me lean into his kiss as he further pressed down sending me into bliss as he soon slipped his fingers inside me thrusting them in and out quickening my breaths

"I feel it's only fair to spend our first Valentine's Day in bed Tesoro" he removed his finger quickly and gently moving me off him and placing me down against the bed as he towered over me

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