Chapter 7: No More Anne

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Sasha sighed, rubbing her head. "Nothing's...working!!!" She screamed, throwing aside the plans. She then grabbed her sword and stabbed it into the table.

She sighed once she realized what she was doing. "What am I doing...? I'm throwing a tantrum."

Sasha then sat down. "How long has it been since I've gotten sleep again...?"

"2 days." Someone suddenly replied.

Sasha whipped around, grabbing her swords and pointing them at the owner of the voice, only for her to drop the swords out of pure exhaustion.

Sprig sighed, bags under his eyes as well. "Hey."

"Sprig...? What are you doing here?" Sasha asked, picking up her swords and sitting down.

Sprig walked over. "Hoping you have a better plan than I do to save Anne..."

Sasha sighed. "No. Mother Olm's warning made it worse and I feel...I feel..."


Sasha nodded. "Yeah." She then sighed. "I...I never apologized for how I treated you before."

Sprig turned to her. "Huh?"

"Before all of this. I was horrible to not only Anne, but you and your family." Sasha said, rubbing the brink of her nose. "You're a much better friend to Anne than I was. In a way? You changed her for the better."

Sprig smiled. "I...I guess I did..." He then clenched his fists. "I-I miss her...I miss my best friend..."

Sasha looked down. " too..."

Sprig sniffled. "I-I want her back...b-but what can we do...?"

Sasha sighed. "Our...our best chance is to get someone inside the castle to try and figure out who we're dealing with."

Sprig's eyes widened. "I-Invade the castle?"

"No. Not invade. Infiltrate." Sasha said. "Get spies to try and find out who this dark force is or get Anne back or...something." She sighed. "It's the only thing I can think of."

Sprig thought about it for a moment before nodding. "I like it."

Sasha smiled a bit. "Heh. Thanks...let's get them to work then, huh?"

"We should probably sleep first-"

"Who has time to sleep right now?" Sasha asked, her voice booming...before she yawned. "Me. I have time to sleep right now."

Sprig sighed and hopped over, gently pushing Sasha onto a nearby bed, and she quickly fell asleep.

"So, everyone knows the plan?" Grime asked as he looked at the most stealthy and possibly agile warriors he knew in this Resistance.

"Yes, sir," Tritonio said with a nod, saluting. "Infiltrate the castle, find information on the dark force or what has happened to Anne and Marcy, and get out."

"And if we can, break either of the two out." Maddie added. "But only if the situation is right."

Wally blinked with his one eye. "What, uhh, they said!"

Grime nodded. "Good. Very good. Now go. We haven't a moment to lose."

"Wait!" A familiar voice cried, and then Polly Plantar raced over, carrying something in her hands. "You guys will need these!"

She then held out three small devices that would easily fit in a frog's ear without being noticeable.

Tritonio was curious as he took one into his hand. "What is this, Polly?"

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