Chapter 11: Perfect

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Perfection shouldn't exist. Everyone had a different view on it and if everyone thought differently about what was perfect and what wasn't, then it was impossible to achieve in a single world. That's why no one person was perfect either.

But sometimes, a person felt like they had to be perfect. That they had to be the best...

Marcy Wu wasn't always one of those people. She knew she wasn't perfect and she knew she had flaws, but she always escaped into a game or TV show to avoid fixing her major flaws.

"Is that one a constellation?" Anne asked, laying beside Marcy on a picnic blanket. They were on a hill, looking up at the stars.

Marcy hummed, looking at it closer. "Hmmm...nope!"

"Darnit." Anne said as she kept looking. "I'm coming for ya, Big Dipper."

Marcy giggled. "There are more constellations than that."

"I know, but I might as well start somewhere." Anne shrugged as she kept looking. "Besides, all these stars are pretty."

Marcy smiled and nodded. "Yeah...yeah, they really are..."

"...but not nearly as pretty as you." Anne grinned as she faced Marcy.

Marcy blushed and she sat up. "A-Anne!"

"I wuv you, Mar-Mar!" Anne exclaimed as she hugged Marcy. "I want affection!"

Marcy's blush grew before she suddenly began to laugh uncontrollably, with Anne suddenly tickling both of her sides. Marcy laughed and squealed, trying to escape her girlfriend's grasp. "N-nooo! A-Anne!!!" She cried, still laughing.

Anne just cackled as she kept going. "Fear the wrath of Anne Boonchuy!!!"

"I-I do! I-I fear it!!!" Marcy laughed, finally escaping Anne's grasp. She then smiled. ", I couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend."

Anne grinned. "And to think, this all began when we were little kids. Trying to defend your sandy masterpiece from the ocean tide!"

Marcy began speaking in a voice as she raised her fist into the air. "We may have lost, but we lived to fight another day!"

The two just laughed before laying back down again, with Anne starting to cuddle her. Marcy just smiled softly, taking a deep breath.

She felt like she had absolutely nothing to worry about. Everything was going her way. Sasha was being nicer, Anne was now her girlfriend, both of her parents supported her coming out as gay, school was becoming easier and easier, and the days that had passed didn't really have anything wrong with them.

It was...perfect.

Marcy's eyes widened a bit at the word 'perfect' when it came to her mind and her small smile faded immediately.

Everything was the sense that it felt too good to be true. But that can't have been the case, right? She had been through enough bad things that maybe fate was just going her way now! Fate didn't work like that for anyone.

"Mar-Mar?" Anne asked. "What's wrong?"

Marcy then turned to Anne, her eyes softening. "N-nothing, it's just..."

"Just...what?" Anne asked. "I'm listening."

Marcy sighed. "Have you noticed that things are...a little too perfect right now?"

Anne tilted her head. "Uhhh...what?"

"Like, nothing bad's been happening! It all feels too good to be I dreaming?" Marcy asked. "Is all this some big dream?"

Anne's eyes widened a bit and she sat up. "Marcy-"

"Like...Dad hardly approves of what I like, and lately, he's just been getting me whatever I want! Like, he has the face that shows he would wanna be buying something else, but it just feels...wrong. If he didn't want to buy it, he would've told me no!" Marcy exclaimed. "A-and what changed in Sasha? I...I-I hate talking bad about her, but she...she was kind of a jerk before! Maybe it's because of her parents or something, but...but...GAH! It doesn't feel right!"

Anne just watched Marcy rant, her heart clenching a bit as she tried to speak again. "Mar-"

"A-and even you! Our relationship feels too...too perfect!" Marcy exclaimed. "I-I can't even remember how long we've been dating right now, I just...I just...!"

"Marcy...are you...saying you wanna break up with me...?" Anne asked with tears in her eyes.

Marcy's eyes widened and she whipped around towards Anne. "NO! No, no, no, no!" She cried, shaking her head.

Anne gave a rather shaky sigh of relief. "O-okay...I...s-sorry, you're upset, I'm making this about me-"

"No, you're not! W-what I said was stupid." Marcy said with a sigh, holding Anne's hands.

Anne sighed again. "It's not stupid...I...I guess everything has been going a little too well for us...but isn't that a good thing?"

"I-I mean...I guess..." Marcy said. "I-I don't know...for once, I...I don't know..."

Anne then held Marcy close. "And it's okay not to know, Mar-Mar. Even with how smart you are, no one can ever know everything in the universe. It's a big place with knowledge that would probably explode our brains."

Marcy chuckled weakly at that, cuddling up into Anne's touch. "Kinda makes me want to know it all more..."

Anne kissed Marcy's forehead. "I know...but it's gonna be okay. With whatever you're feeling, maybe we can get the school counselor or something. Or...well...okay, I'm not the best with this kinda thing. What do you think would help?"

Marcy sighed. "I...I don't know, Anna-Banana. I...I guess for something bad to happen, y'know? Like...something to reassure me that this is the real world and not just some...dumb fantasy of mine..."

She looked down at the grass. "A dumb fantasy where you actually like me..."

Anne's eyes widened and she held Marcy close. "Marcy...I promise you...what's happening is real. I really do love you and everything that I'm saying or doing is all happening."

"How can you be so sure of that...?" Marcy asked as she looked at Anne.

Anne's eyes softened before she cupped Marcy's face and then gently kissed her lips. Marcy closed her eyes as she kissed back, and eventually, they both broke the kiss.

"Did that feel real?" Anne asked, smiling hopefully.

Marcy gave a small smile. "Y...yeah...thanks, Anne."

"Anne-ytime." Anne grinned.

Marcy's eyes widened before she began to snort, covering her mouth. "Oh my god..."

Anne just smirked. "What?"

"That was awful!" Marcy laughed.

Anne tilted her head with the smirk still on her face. "Then why are you laughing?"

"It's a sad laugh." Marcy laughed as she laid back down with her girlfriend. "If puns like that can exist, then this clearly isn't perfect."

Anne just laughed. "Way to crush my dreams of being a comedian, Marbles."

Marcy turned to her. "Since when did you have dreams of being a comedian that I didn't know about?"

"Hey, I can have secret passions. Just because you're my amazing girlfriend doesn't mean I have to tell you everything." Anne laughed.

Marcy smiled and then sighed in relief at that. Maybe she was just thinking too much about everything...

Maybe everything was finally going her way.

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