The End

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By the title of this chapter, I bet you're expecting some bad news. Well? Yeah, me and my co-author have some bad news.

We have lost so much motivation to continue Nightfall that we've both decided it's best to just pull the plug. I bet a lot of readers have already lost interest and we ourselves don't find it fun to write this anymore.

But? For being so patient, you guys deserve an ending. And it sucks to get so invested in a story, only to learn it's getting I'm gonna tell you what was going to happen.

Sasha and The Resistance were going to lead a final ambush against Darcy and Anne. Sasha would reach The Calamity Box and fight both Darcy and Anne. She would eventually be on the brink of near death due to being outmatched from Darcy's tech and Anne's powers, but she would impressively stand a pretty good chance!

Meanwhile, Marcy finally begins to realize that her world is a fantasy and runs off from her house in an attempt to escape as she begins remembering what truly happened.

Darcy then uses the Calamity Box to open a portal to Earth, but much to their surprise? The human military comes right through it and begins helping The Resistance fight back! Anne, Marcy, and Sasha's parents included!

Sasha then gets up and The Strength Gem shoots right out of the box and towards her, helping her unlock her full powers. Anne barely stands a chance because she only has half of them, with Sasha catching a punch from her and then attacking Darcy.

The rest of the final battle would focus on Darcy in a mech and Sasha fighting against it. The fight would end with Sasha saving Marcy, and the helmet of The Core floating back to the mech. 

The mech would float up to space, with Sasha following. It would then end with Sasha completely obliterating The Core, no longer holding back.

Back on Earth, Sprig manages to destroy Anne's collar. But, she has a complete mental breakdown and her powers go berserk, even forming a protective field around the castle. But Sprig, with the power of friendship, is able to get through to her.

The Resistance wins the day and back up in space, Sasha gets a visit from The Guardian himself, who thanks Sasha and tells her that she is now The Guardian of Amphibia. And gets to keep the powers as a perk.

Anne and Marcy are traumatized (I mean, duh) and for the sake of their mental health? Marcy returns to Earth and Anne's parents let their daughter stay in Amphibia with The Plantars so she can heal.

Sasha is now able to go back to Earth and Amphibia as much as she pleases, another perk from The Guardian. She is even able to create portals for others as well.

Andrias forms a close friendship with Anne as she heals from her trauma and the two even garden around Amphibia at times.

The epilogue would be Marcy and Anne's reunion when they're both 14. They would tell each other that they don't actually hate one another and just needed some time away. 

Marcy wonders if they'll ever be in a relationship, a real one. Anne acknowledges that her feelings for Marcy never truly left, and that one day, they should consider it once they're better. Marcy is quite fond of that idea and the story ends with the two watching the night sky.

Annnnd, that's how it would end! Me and Fiona_Callie_Afton thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for reading Nightfall. We are deeply sorry that we were never able to finish it and we're even more sorry if it's felt like you wasted your time.

Thank you for reading! And don't worry, this most likely won't be the last Amphibia story we'll make! I love it too much to let it go! Maybe you could even check out a crossover I'm making with another bud that's in my announcements!

Your Emperor of Confusion, signing off!

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