Chapter 12: Strength

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"...Valeriana, huh?" Sasha asked, raising an eyebrow. "How can you help us?"

Hop Pop then stepped forward. "Sasha...I know her! The kids know her too!"

Valeriana chuckled softly as her parrot flew off her shoulder and she went over, still holding her cane close to her. "I'm flattered that you remember me, Hopediah. As for you, Sasha...I am the Guardian of the Second Temple."

"Second...Temple?" Sasha asked, tilting her head. "Wait. Those fancy temple things with those stones? Where Anne's powers come from?"

Valeriana nodded. " Mother Olm, I share a connection with the stones and The Prophecy. Like how I know you, Marcy, and Anne were the chosen ones...until The Core interfered with The Prophecy and changed are the only one left, Sasha. You are destined to save this world from the evil we have created."

Sasha became even more confused. "Wait...what?"

Valeriana sighed as they began walking inside. "Come. I'll explain more to you once we are inside."

Sasha nodded at her troops and then began following the mysterious newt inside. They walked and walked until they were back inside safely. Sasha and Valeriana now sat inside the war room, alone. The two faced each other before Valeriana began to speak.

"King Andrias told you that Amphibia was once a technologically advanced utopia, am I correct?"

"Yeah, what's that got to do with anything?" Sasha asked, tilting her head.

"Because he was right...he just wasn't telling you everything. Long ago, The Calamity Stones fell from the sky and onto Amphibia. Our world was much like it is now, but ancient and with technology that simply couldn't have existed...but that's when we discovered The Stones. They helped us rebuild Amphibia into a technological empire...and each Stone represented a trait of a warrior."

She then took out a scroll, one that was dirty and ragged as she spread it out on the table. It had an illustration of three warriors all clad in armor with their respective stone above them alongside a symbol.

"Blue represented Heart and was given to the Frogs. Green represented Wit and was given to the Newts. And Pink represented Strength and was given to the Toads." Valeriana said. "You are Strength, Sasha."

Sasha's eyes widened a bit before she hummed. "Guess I'm not that surprised..."

"Wars were fought over these stones. We grew power hungry and each tribe wanted all three...but then...I had developed a device I thought would achieve peace." Valeriana said with a hint of...shame in her voice.

Sasha was confused...before her eyes bulged out of her skull. " created the-"

"Yes, Sasha...I created The Calamity Box." Valeriana said. "It ended the wars...for a little while. Our hunger for power did not cease and once we learned that combined, the Stones could travel The Multiverse itself...power corrupted us...I left after that."

Sasha took that in for a moment. She didn't know if she should feel angry because in a way, Valeriana was the reason this even began...but at the same time, she knew better than anyone what it was like to be the bad guy. Valeriana had a valid reason for creating the Calamity Box...she wanted peace.

"...we grew more and more technologically advanced with each world we conquered." Valeriana said. "The Stones stopped me from aging shortly after I created The Calamity Box, which is how I have been able to live for thousands of years. I had a link with them and knew that this was not what The Stones were meant for...The Olms knew this as well, having discovered The Prophecy."

Sasha took a deep breath, placing a hand on her head. "Whoa...I...this is a lot to take in..."

Valeriana stood and placed her tail-hand on Sasha's shoulder. "Breathe, Sasha...just settle down."

Sasha nodded, taking another deep breath. "...multiversal energy...prophecies...power corrupting people. Got it."

Valeriana nodded as well and sat back down. "However...using the technology from the box, we created an evil called...The Core."

Sasha looked up at her. "...that's who's possessing Marcy...right? And the one that's brainwashing Anne?"

"Yes. Amphibia had many scientists, kings, and warlords...and the smartest of them all were preserved when they passed away. Their minds had been transferred into a hivemind." Valeriana said. "The Core is truly the one ruling over Amphibia. It's very likely that it controls Andrias as well..."

Sasha sighed. ", why isn't Andrias a part of The Core? I heard he's smart or something. And he should be dead by now."

Valeriana hummed. "Through my connection to The Stones, I was able to learn that Andrias had been rejected from joining The Core. His father, King Aldrich forbade him until he redeemed himself...because once upon a time, Andrias was similar to Anne Boonchuy herself. A carefree youngling that lived life with two of his closest companions...but then, one of his friends received a vision and took The Calamity Box to Earth. Andrias felt betrayed and The Core now uses this and the guilt and hatred he's had for thousands of years to manipulate him."

Sasha's eyes were wide again before she huffed. "That doesn't mean I forgive him for what he did to Marcy..."

"No one ever said you had to, Sasha." Valeriana said. "But yourself were once like Andrias."

Sasha was silent before sighing. "Yeah...yeah, I guess so..."

Valeriana nodded. "It seems that they realized Marcy and Anne had a love for each other and are now using the fact that Anne didn't completely surrender her powers to their advantage...The Prophecy now depends on you, Sasha."

Sasha then stood up. "I dunno if you've noticed, but I don't have fancy pink powers like Anne. I apparently gave mine up."

"Not completely." Valeriana said. "I can sense it. Some of it is still within your heart...not enough to allow you to transform however."

Sasha crossed her arms. "So, what do I do?"

"Simple...The Core is planning to invade Earth very need to get your powers back." Valeriana said. "Anne only has a fraction of hers...once you are within a distance of The Calamity Box...The Stone will reach you. The power will be beyond imagination. You will be able to do anything you can put your mind to. And I don't just mean in a fancy way. I mean literally anything."

Sasha's eyes were wide. "...whoa..."

"It won't last long for your first time, but it will be long enough." Valeriana said. "You and your Resistance have to stop The Core..."

Sasha took a deep breath. "And I know what I have to get...I'm gonna have to fight Anne...aren't I?"

Valeriana's eyes softened, but she nodded. "Yes...I'm sorry..."

Sasha rubbed the brink of her nose before looking at the newt again. "When we were fighting The Herons...I had a vision...of me fighting The that going to come true?"

Valeriana chuckled a bit. "We call it The Prophecy for a reason...don't we?"

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