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I was just laying on top of Enzo when I got a FaceTime call from Donna
You: fuck fuck
E: what who is it
You: it's Donna
I moved away from him and answered it


You: *nervous laugh* are you driving

Answer the fucking questionnnnnn


Donna❤️: are are you in my dads bedroom Elly ugh, I'll be there in a min OOOOOO YOU FUCKING BITCHHHHHHHHHH

She hang up and the look on Enzos face full of regret
E: we're fucked
You: no shit Sherlock
I set on the bed and put my clothes on and went downstairs and Enzo followed me holding me up.

Mins later we heard a car pulling up. Donna busted in the door really mad
D: you fucking BITCH
She came and slapped me, I rubbed my cheek and started crying
(Me personally I wouldn't let that slide)
You: I'm so sorry donna it just happened
D: ugh just what-
E: donna im so sorry i just couldn't control myself

We set down and donna was crying and me too
You: I'm so so sorry donna, I should have told you but I didn't know how to, I'm so sorry
D: you know the worst way to find out is through a paparazzi picture, it's all over the internet Elly
You&Enzo: paparazzi
D: dad your famous did you forget, Beverly hill remember now
E: ohhh
D: yes exactly
E: Donna im so sorry that you had to find out this way but I can't stop my feelings towards Elly
D: you know what fine do what ever makes you happy, and I'm sorry Elly for slapping you

D: Elly i missed you
She hugged me and I was so shocked how can she be ok with this I mean it's good that she is but I don't know.
I hugged her back and looked at Enzo and he shrugged his shoulders.
She went and hugged Enzo too.

D: and dad you messed up really bad but besides that you will always be my dad no matter what, ok I love you
E: i love you too my ladybug
D: anyway I've to go, my flight is an hour
You: flight?
E: I'll leave you two to it

D: Elly im moving to Miami with Alex
You: oh him
D: oh come on i love him
You: his a fuck boy you know
D: no his not *laugh* 
I looked at her and tbh I felt really bad and ashamed.
You: Donna I'm truly sorry
D: Elly you wanna know something, my dad has slept with some of my friends but he thinks I don't know, he was never happy with them, the reason I was so mad today is because he promised that he would leave my friends alone *giggle*. And now when I saw this pic I was mad but mostly happy. I've never seen him that happy before and beside I don't mind you being my stepmom.
You: *laughs* oh god
D: elly you're the only one that made him this happy so please for crying out loud don't use him
You: I promise I won't

😈My friends dad😈|| BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now