❤️Wake up❤️

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I woke up to someone talking next to me and it was Enzo. He was rubbing my face looking at me
You: Enzo get out right now
Enzo: you were calling my name last night you were dreaming I guess
You: I don't care I don't wanna see your face Enzo
Enzo: can we talk about it Elly
You: good cuz I have a lot to say how can you be so selfish disrespectful and disgusting Enzo you slept with that bitch and you were about to lie to me again. Then have the FUCKING audacity to turn this on me. There are several men out there that would be happy to be with me and appreciate every single flaw that I have. Enzo you almost lied in my face you knew you knew it was wrong thank god I found out cuz
Enzo: Elly im-

You: I'm not done, you're gonna be a father soon Enzo, you want girls right? Is this how you want other man to treat them, If you don't stop and fucking realise how blessed you are to have me trust me I will leave you so quick. It's either you get your shit together or let me fucking go.
Enzo: I won't do it again I'm sorry and I mean it Elly I really do. I'm so sorry for the pain I've caused
You: I don't know what to say to you
I took my phone from my bed and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Donna: well good morning
You: good morning love
Donna: I heard shouting yesterday is everything ok
You: yes everything is fine
Donna: since when do we keep secrets
You: I found texts in Enzos phone
Donna: AGAIN
You: y-yes again *sigh*
Donna: what else?
You: that's all I swear
Donna: come here
She took my hand and hugged me all I could do was cry I reallly needed a hug.
Donna: I'm so sorry Elly you're going through that I swear you deserve better
Elly: I'm so tired of it, the hurtful words just everything
Donna: do you need to sleep
Elly: yes I do but I can't because I'll be thinking of him
Donna: ok follow me you'll sleep with me

I follows her and we both laid on her bed. We started talking about how we want our lives to look like in 20 years. But she had slipped up and mentioned Aaron's name.
You: so are you and Aaron talking now
Donna: huh oh um nah
You: *gasp* you do talk with him awww
Donna: *blush* we just talk on the phone that's it
You: that's nice Donna as long as you're happy
Donna: ohh shit I forgot I had to pick up something
You: want me to drive you
Donna: no it's fine you sleep and I'll be back soon
You: ok no problem
I put my head down and almost immediately I went to sleep.

Enzos pov
I was in my office doing my paperwork and I heard Donna coming downstairs. She opened my door and I could see that's she was mad
You: look Donna I know I fuck up but I can't change it
Donna: I swear to god you need to wake the fuck up dad, if she leaves you then don't come crying to me
Enzo: ok I get it I'm sorry
Donna: now go cuddle her she's lonely as fuck
Enzo: she doesn't want me there
Donna: just go and atleast show her that you're sorry
Enzo: ok ok
She left my office and I heard the door shut. I went up to my our room and she wasn't there so I went to Donna room. She was whimpering and I heard her say my name it made me smile.
Me: baby *whisper*
I put my hands under her and gently lifted her.
You: *gasp* what are you doing
Me: shh
I took her to my room and put her on the bed. She was still up looking at me with her sleepy eyes. I removed my shirt and got in bed with her. I pulled her close to me and she was hesitant.
She put her head on my chest and I rubbed her back.

Enzo: I'm so sorry my love
You: shhh let me sleep
Enzo: where you having a nightmare
You: y-yes
Enzo: I'm sorry
She slowly closed her eyes and went to sleep. I couldn't feel the babies move. I rubbed it with my hand and they started kicking.
You: mhhh Enzoo
Enzo: *chuckle*
I kissed her cheek and she frowned her face, I kissed her neck and she whimpered
You: Enzo let me sleep
Enzo: you're so cute
You: shh

1 hours later
I felt her move and she opened her eyes as soon as she looked at me she rolled her eyes.
Enzo: really babe
Enzo: I thought I said I was sorry
You: I'm hungry
Enzo: come let's get you food
You: n-not for food
Enzo: o-oh want me to um help you out
You: *nod* *blush*
Enzo: ok
I laid her on her back and she looked uncomfortable.
Enzo: wanna talk about it first
You: w-was she better than me
Enzo: no she wasn't Elly she wasn't
You: did she taste better than me
Enzo: I don't know I-i didn't eat her out
You: ok
Enzo: should I continue
You: mhm you know what never mind
She tried to get up but I held her in place.
You: what are you doing
You: *GASP* E-Enzo waittt
Enzo: mhmmm
I continued eating her out and she would try and push me off. I was lost in it that I didn't hear her say my name.
You: aggh gentle E-Enzo

30 mins later
I pulled away finally feeling fulfilled, she was still shaking and she closed her eyes and stole
You: why did you do t-that
Enzo: I missed it that's why I got carried away love
You: get off it please
Enzo: *chuckle* ok.... Elly what can I do for you to get you to trust me again.

You: you cant buy trust or fuck the trust out of me *nervous laugh* start by being there for me when I need you most, try your best to control yourself Enzo, you're a man Enzo not a little boy. I want you to start controlling yourself and don't give in, I know it's a lot of things out there but know that you have a family to take care off, I don't want to end up with std or anything that will endanger OUR lives. Yes the girls are good looking, yes they have what I don't have but do they have what it takes to be a mother or even wash your clothes? Enzo you choose to be with me and if you can't see me as the mother of your children then let me go.

Enzo: I can't say I didn't know what I was doing, I just got distracted by her looks. Im very sorry for embarrassing you like that I promise to you that's the last time you have to go through this.
You: Enzo sometimes you make me feel like I'm not enough, like you're not attracted to me anymore just please tell me if you don't want me anymore, the longer you wait the more you hurt me. *cry* I'm hurting Enzo

I looked at Enzo and I could see the room spinning my heart started racing and I couldn't see very well. His Red face and tears was the last thing that I saw.

End of chapter see you next time

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