🖤Its for you 🖤

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Today Elly was not feeling me she was mad at everything. I tried to talk to her but she wasn't feeling it. Right now she's watching a movie besides me
Elly: I'll get it
She got up and took her plate that had her snacks.
End of pov

I was not in the mood to do anything today everything around me annoyed me but I wasn't not prepared for what was coming.
Elly: hi how can I help you
??: is this mr. Alpins home
Elly: yes but what's your name so I'll call him for you
??: I'm Kim Kim Kellerman
Elly:.... Oh my um.....
Kim: um
Elly: you came to the right place come right in

My legs went numb, I couldn't move I wanted to slap her and drag her slutty ass down the drive way. I went on the stairs and called for Enzo

I went and set next to her and just waited to see his reaction.
I heard him come down the stairs and when he saw us he froze.
You: Kim do you know who I am
Kim: no I'm assuming his maid I guess
You: *laugh* maid how funny
Kim: I've been trying to call you-
You: so you're the one fucked my husband
Kim: oh i-
You: so tell me how good was he? Was he too big for you?
Kim: I'm sorry i need to leave
You: ohh no you're not leaving yet
You: is this what you went for Enzo, the audacity to show up here and act like she don't see that I'm here. You're just disgusting, sick and a disgrace to womanhood. I was having a fucking bad day and best fucking believe i would kill you if he wasn't here. Gosh both of you make me sick
You: Enzo please take your trash outside where it belongs

I went upstairs and gosh my heart was beating so fast and i was shaking. To my surprise no tears were coming out I tried to cry but it just wouldn't come out. I looked down and the only thing that made me cry where those footprints on my belly, so freaking tiny and just like that they disappeared. It felt like their only way of telling me to calm down. I wiped my face when I heard his footsteps.
Enzo: babe I'm so sorry I didn't mean for her to come here
You: don't talk to me
Enzo: babe I'm sorry
You: Enzo I hate your mind sometimes gosh I don't even know what to say right now
You:.....she's so pretty, she knows how to... carry herself... she's elegant.... good with fashion... she's intelligent I assume..... she's the opposite of me. Enzo it that your type Enzo is that what *cry* is that what I couldn't provide for you. I had everything planned *nervous laugh* our big big house, our like girls running around bullying each other.... Our wedding and me finally having your last name, Elly Alpin, *sigh* gosh it sounded so nice the day I said it out loud, I planned our honeymoon together. Our sex life, I want that back, I want to have fun with you like we used to.
Enzo: I know you miss the old us, I miss it too. Babe listen I know I fucked up real bad and I know I hurt you but please let me heal you again. I'll do anything to gain your trust again. I want those dimples of yours to show again. Please forgive me
You: it's gonna take me a while Enzo
Enzo: I get it
He kneeled down and we made eye contact. He rubbed the tears off with his thumb and kissed my foreheads
Enzo: I know I've promised you a lot of things but never fulfilled my promises but I swear to fulfill my promises starting from today. Elly I promise to provide you with everything you've planned, I will make you feel loved and appreciated again.
I nodded and gosh I felt stupid for even listening to him, his words didn't seem genuine. I cursed myself out because I didn't believe his words.
You: gosh you fucked up Enzo *exhale*
Enzo: I know
You: I need a nap

I slightly pushed his hands off and laid in bed mins later I felt him on me his hand on my waist and it moved to my stomach his hands I missed his hands so much. I felt them move to my thighs and he squeezed this I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. He got to my feet and they were hurting like crazy.
Enzo: should I stop
You: don't you dare
Enzo: *chuckle*
The last thing I felt was a blanket over my body.

Enzos pov
I kissed her cheeks and got out the room. I looked myself in the mirror I felt so disgusted by myself.
Donna: another argument
Me: not in the mood Donna
Donna: Aaron told me she came here
Me: *sigh* yes
Donna: bold of her
Me:... have she said anything
Donna: who? Elly... sh-she misses you your hugs you kisses
Me: ya she told me
Donna: even when she's sleeping annoy her a lil with kisses she wants that
Donna: feels weird giving my dad advice
Me: ya I know *nervous laugh*

Half an hour later
I went upstairs and I heard her crying. I got in immediately and she was sitting on the bed.
Enzo: hi hi baby what's wrong
You: nightmare and their moving it hurts so bad
Enzo: what do you want me to do babe
You: I don't know either
I pulled her to me and she was surprised I pulled her shirt up and put both my hands on her stomach
Enzo: I love them to death
I rubbed it and kissed it

Enzo: what was the nightmare about
You: them? I-I don't wanna lose them Enzo
Enzo: it's just a dream babygirl look at me
You: what if something is wrong and we don't know
Enzo: want me to make you an appointment so you'll see them and hear their heart beats
You: *gasp* yes that's better

Enzo: good now go back to sleep and down worry about it please

😈My friends dad😈|| BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now