Chapter fifteen: Abby is back

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I am waiting outside for Abby to pull up because she said she was just getting to the bridge. The others are inside getting dinner together.

I see her car and watch as she pulls up to the curb. She parks the car and gets out, looking at me with glassy eyes. We run to each other and hug tightly. "I missed you." She says.

"I missed you too." I say and we pull apart. "How are you?" I ask, looking at her upset face. At that, she cries, and I pull her into my arms. "It's okay." I try to assure her, hoping that's the right thing to say.

"No, it's not... I lost it." She managed to say through the sobs. I pull back and look at her, lost by her words.

"Do you want to go talk in my room?" I ask, and she nods her head. I take her hand and lead the way. We don't pass the kitchen, so we aren't stopped, and we get to my room.

We sit in the nicely made bed and I look at her as she takes a shaky breath. "I lost my baby." She says, and I feel my mouth drop. "You know that college neighbor I have?" She asks, and I nod my head.

"Well, there was a party he was having and he wanted me to come. I went because I'd just come back from another one that Jade dragged me to. I had more to drink and I wanted to sleep it off, so he brought me to a room. Then things got out of hand. I didn't mean for it to happen, but the night before our last finals my results came back positive." She wipes away a tear that fell from her eyes and looks up at me.

"My parents were upset. My dad wanted me to get rid of it, but my mom wanted me to give it up for adoption. That's why I left with her, and I couldn't face you guys." She cries a little more and I hug her.

"Then the other day... she forced me to go get rid of it actually agreeing with my dad. Now my parents are relived, and I'm not even sure what to feel. I mean, I am a little relived, but there is still that part of me that wonders what would've happened." She says as we pull apart. She looks at me for a response, and I just sit there, taking everything in.

I feel a tear leave my eye and then I'm crying and I can't stop. "Why are you crying?" Abby asks me.

"I've been very emotional lately." I say truthfully. She looks at me, confused. I lie on my back and look at the ceiling as I wipe away my tears.

"Nicole, don't take this the wrong way, but you kind of gained some weight." She says lightly.

I know I need to tell her, but how can I, after she told me about her forced abortion. I take a deep breath and look at her. "I'm pregnant." I say and look to her for a reaction.

Her face is blank and her mouth drops. We stay in silence for who knows how long before a small smile grows on her face. "Really?" She asks with a little excitement, which I didn't expect. I thought she would be upset, considering she had to lose her baby. "Who's the father?" As if on cue, Justin walks in and goes to the closet. He takes off his shirt and throws it to the hamper. He takes another one out, throwing it on. I wish he didn't, but at least now he can't see me drool over his abs.

He turns and looks at us then smiles and walks over, engulfing Abby in a hug. "It's so good to see you." He lets her go and she looks at me in confusion.

"I thought you said this was your room?" She sounds very lost now.

"Um... We share it." I say as Justin sits next to me on the bed.

"Is he..."

"Am I what?" He asks.

"Yes he is." I say and turn to Justin, smiling.

"Aw that's so cute." She says.

"Yeah, guess what."

"What?" She asks excited.

"It's twins!" I say excitedly, and Justin puts his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. He kisses my head, and I hear another aw, but not just from Abby. I look behind me and see Jade and Mike at the door.

"Dinner is ready." Mike says and I hurry to get up.


Dinner was nice; everyone was filling Abby in on stuff, and she told them about why she suddenly left. We all were there for her, but she didn't cry again. She gave me a look though, but I couldn't tell what it was.

Now I'm cuddling with Justin in our bed. We were kind of tired and just wanted to sleep. "I was thinking... We should tell my parents soon." I say, not looking directly at him. I feel him grow tense under me, so I look up to him.

"Well, better sooner than later. I just know they won't trust me anymore." He sighs. I give him a small smile.

"Justin, they are going to be more mad at me. They love you like a son and they treat me like I'm invisible. The one who might help me out would be my dad, and my mom...." I am afraid of what she will say or do.

"I know. At least you know you can live at my house." He says, giving me a small smile. I smile back, knowing his mom was okay with it.

"Wait. Does the rest of your family know?" I ask, kind of worried.

"No my mom wants us to tell them when they come to visit. They came here yesterday, and want us to go to a dinner with them." He says, looking into my eyes.

"We will have to make plans. Will they be mad?"

"Don't worry about it right now, just relax and fall asleep." He says, kissing my head and pulling me closer.

"I'm so happy you're the father of our kids, and you're the one I was with that night. I'm always happy it's you." I say, half out of it and not really knowing what I'm saying. I close my eyes and begin to fall asleep, but before I can drift away completely, I hear him respond.

"I'm glad it was you too, it'll always be you... It always was." He whispers the last part a little more, thinking I didn't hear.
Hoped you liked it. Don't kill me with what happened to Abby. So almost the whole gang is back together.

When will she tell the family? Also from now until I say stop, I need baby names please. I would like to hear the ones you have.

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