Chapter thirty nine: again?

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Two years later:

"Austin don't touch that." I tell him as he goes to reach for a bag of dog treats. He freezes in the act and Olivia runs around following our one year old labradoodle. She is black, pure black, and her name is Dakota. I sigh as I help lock up the register.

"Austin." I warn him. He backs away and runs after the puppy too. I sigh and look to Kevin, my business partner.

"Take it easy. I got it, just take them home and take a relaxing bath." He advises. I smile at him thanking him.

"Thanks. Tony is in charge of the dogs boarding tonight with you, right?"

"Yes. Now go." Kevin says rolling his eyes. I smile at him as I grab my purse and jacket.

"Dakota." I call, and she comes running up to me panting heavily. I smile down at her as she sits right in front of me. "Good girl." I say as I bend down to clip her leash on.

"Mommy I hungry." Austin whines stopping next to me. Olivia comes up next to him and stays quiet as she sucks her thumb.

"Okay, let's go home then."' I say. They nod their head and run to the door. Dakota walks by my side as I walk to the door. I open the door causing the twins to run into the parking lot to the car.

"Austin! Olivia!" They stop, and look at me knowing they did something wrong. I jog over to them unlocking the car and open the back door. The twins climb in, or try to, as I open the trunk for Dakota to hop in. She gets in her crate and lays down exhausted.

I close her in and shut the trunk before buckling in the twins, and helping them actually get in their seats. "Mommy, see daddy?" Olivia asks. I can barely understand her, but I do.

"He should be home when we get there." I say. She squeals before grinning. Austin grins too as he looks back at Dakota. I smile and shut the door before getting in the driver's seat and heading home.

Along the way the twins fell asleep, and so does Dakota. I groan as I park the car in the driveway. Luckily though Justin comes out from the front door. I get out to meet him at my door. "Hey babe." He says before kissing me as his arms wrap around me. I grin against his lips as we kiss.

"Can you carry in one of them?" I ask pulling back. Justin laughs nodding his head.

"Sure thing." He says leaving me to take Austin out, carefully. I smile watching him before going to the back of the car to let Dakota out. She hops out and sprints inside the house. I shut that door before getting Olivia out and bringing her inside. I hit the lock button on the key and lock the car.

I carry her up to bed and carefully tuck her in before slowly backing out. I shut the door quietly and arms suddenly loop around my waist. "How was work?" He whispers in my ear. I shiver in pleasure from his mouth so close to my neck.

"Stressful. Especially when the babysitter brought them earlier than usual." I whisper.

"Want to take a bath?" He whispers nipping my ear. I moan softly trying to bite my lip to stop it. Justin then releases me heading to our bedroom. I follow him into our master bathroom and see him filling the tub up.

I hop on the bathroom counter, between our sinks, and just watch him. He turns smirking at me, which causes me to blush. "What?" He asks turning the water off and walking up to me.

"Nothing." I smile. He crashes his lips to mine and his hands grip the bottom of my shirt. He parts quickly only to pull my shirt off throwing it to somewhere in the room. I kiss him with all the love I have loving the feeling of his lips on mine.

I grip his shirt and pull his over his head. I breath as Justin trails kisses down my neck and along the top of my shoulder. I moan involuntarily, and I hear him groan softly. He pulls back and steps away. "You should hop in." He says gesturing to the bath with his head.

I frown pouting at him. "You don't want to join me?" I ask a little upset. Justin raises an eyebrow at me. I hop down and strip out of my clothes heading to the tub, but Justin beats me to it. I laugh getting in after him and his arms immediately wrap around me.

I lean against his chest taking in the warmth of the water, and his body. "I've been thinking..." I start.

"What?" Justin asks curiously.

"I think I want another baby." I say, and look up at him. He looks down at me love shinning through his eyes.

"Really?" He asks. I nod my head smiling. "So have I, but I didn't want to force the idea on you." He says. I smile and peck his lips.

"Justin... I really want another." I say truthfully. He grins flipping me to be facing him and his lips claim mine.


I think I'm sick, but I'm not sure. It's been like two weeks, but I think it's a bug. Jade is coming to visit, and that means Mike too. They have stayed together and I'm so happy for them. They are totally in love with each other, which is so cute.

"Mommy!" I hear Olivia call.

"I'm in my room." I answer. I hear the little pitter patter on the floor to my room. I lay in bed hugging a pillow to my body. I feel like
I'm going to throw up, but ignore the feeling as I focus on Olivia trying to climb on my bed. I reach down and pick her up placing her on the bed.

"Mommy, daddy say aunty and unkle comin here." Olivia says smiling happily at me. I smile at her and kiss her cheek.

"Thank you baby." I smile.

"Mommy sick?" She asks her eyebrows furrowing.

"I don't think so, baby. Mommy is just tired." I say sitting up. She smiles at me before looking to the door as we hear pitter patter of feet. Justin is playing with Dakota in the back yard, where the kids were before.

"Mommy!" Austin yells running into the room. He sees me and stops tilting his head to the side. "Mommy sick?" He asks.

"No, mommy tire." Olivia answers for me. I smile at her, and Austin looks at me questioning it. He runs out the room and Olivia and I just look at each other confused.

"Daddy!" We hear him call as he seems to get fainter and father to outside. I sigh and get up out of bed picking Olivia up and walk downstairs to the kitchen. Before you question my parenting with the stairs, they love to climb up and scoot down them.

I walk into the kitchen, but the doorbell rings. I quickly walk to the door and open it. I'm met with Jade, who looks like she just wants to curl up in a ball and sleep. Mike is standing there next to her smiling at me. He has on a red tee shirt and jeans. His hair is cut shorter than last time I saw him, but his smile hasn't changed.

"Come on in." I say halfheartedly. Mike looks me over before groaning.

"Ugh... Is everyone on their period?" He asks. I glare at him and Olivia pokes my shoulder gaining my attention.

"Mommy what that?" She asks. Jade elbows him in the ribs as I glare at him before looking to Olivia.

"It's when-"

"Mike don't you dare." Justin threatens coming over holding Austin. Dakota wags her tail sniffing Jade and Mike. Mike freezes, and Olivia looks to Justin.

"Daddy what is it?" She asks. Justin groans before looking to her sweetly.

"I'll tell you when you're older... A lot older." He says making her frown. "Guys come on in." Justin says, and they come in this time. I shut the door before heading to the kitchen. It's time for lunch, so I open the fridge to look for food. I put Olivia down and feel Jade come next to me.

One look over all the food in the fridge sends me running to the bathroom holding my mouth. I hear Jade coming after me as I empty my stomach, which had nothing in it. I haven't been able to eat in like a week. As I sit back Jade throws up and I groan leaning back against the wall.

I look up to see the guys looking at us with questioning looks and wide eyes. I meet Justin's eyes and he seems to understand.
Hoped you liked it... The book is coming to an end soon... Which is bitter sweet to me.

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