Chapter fourty one: yes!

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I was told to dress up... And that's all I was told. Which leads me to freak out, like did he mean really really dress up, or just a little dressed up. Thank the lord Jade just walked through the door. "What the hell do I wear?" I ask.

"Let's see..." She trails off heading to my room. When we get there she goes to the closest and looks through all my clothes. She finds a cute outfit that has navy blue bottoms with green lace outlining the leg opening. She put the loose green top with it and handed it to me.

"Thank you. You don't think I'm too fat for it right?" I ask feeling self conscious. Jade rolls her eyes at me and crosses her arms over her chest.

"You are not fat. You are growing a child inside of you." Jade says a little annoyed. "You should know you have gone through this before."

"I know, but that was more than two years ago." I sigh. Jade rolls her eyes at me before walking out of my room. She stops at the door and turns to look at me.

"I'll take the twins with me now to my house." She says. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"I thought you were staying here with them." I say crossing my arms over my chest and tilting my head slightly to the right.

"I think it's best if we go to Mike and I's house." She says before she walks away. I stand there confused, but shake my head before heading for a quick shower.


"I swear you better not be trying to kill me." I say. "What would the twins think? Their mother goes missing, and they won't get their little brother." I keep going as Justin walks my blindfolded self somewhere in nature. I don't mean in the woods I mean in the outside world.

"Would you stop over reacting. Why would I want to kill the love of my life?" He asks. Once over reacting came out of his mouth I stopped walking, which he noticed.

"Who is over reacting? Not me. You blindfolded me and are making me walk in nature to an unknown destination." I say annoyed. "I am reacting the right amount." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Babe, can we start walking again?" Justin asks sweetly. I huff out annoyed, but can't help the smile on my face as I feel his lips on my neck. Goosebumps run over my body sending chills with it.  He moves his lips all the way to my ear and I can feel his mouth hovering by my ear.

"Let's go babe, we don't want to be late." He whispers in my ear. I gulp nodding my head as Justin takes my hand and starts walking.  I look up to him, not that I can see, as we keep walking on the path.

"Where are we going?" I ask. I feel Justin look down at me, and I hear him let out a long sigh.

"Babe, we are almost there can you wait like two more minutes?" He asks. I roll my eyes, even though no one can see, and look ahead of us.

"I guess. Is there going to be food?" I ask feeling hungry. Justin chuckles leading me to our destination.

"Yes Nicole, there is going to be food."

Justin stops us after what feels like hours and moves behind me to take the blindfold off. He gently unties the blindfold and I have to blink a few times to adjust to the little light in the sky.

There in front of us is a picnic blanket with candles flickering around it. There is a basket on the blanket and I can feel the tears gather in my eyes. Both my hands cover my mouth from shock and I look up to Justin. "Did you do this?" I ask him as a tear leaves my eyes.

He looks at me with concern. "Is something wrong?" He asks nervously.

"No. Justin it's perfect... I'm sorry I'm just so emotional right now." I say wiping my tears. I ignore my tears and wrap my arms around Justin hugging him tight.

"Well I'm glad you like it." Justin smiles kissing the top of my head. "Come one let's eat."


This has been the best night ever, so far. Justin and I are just laying on the blanket and watching the stars. He seems to be getting nervous, which is scaring me. I look up at him lifting my head. His arms are wrapped loosely around my waist and his face seems to show worry.

"Justin, what's wrong?" I ask growing nervous myself. Justin looks down at me and shakes his head.

"Nothing is wrong." He says not sounding too sure about it. I raise an eyebrow at him and he sighs sitting up. He stands up making me stand with him ask he takes my hands in his. Then he suddenly gets down on one knee, and I stand there frozen in shock.

"Nicole, I've known you forever. In that forever I have grown to love you, and fall in love with you more and more each day. You gave me two beautiful children and are giving me another. I honestly don't know how to live without you, and don't want to even try.

Nicole, you are the only girl for me. No one in the world can ever compare to you. I've fallen in love with all the little things you do, and say at certain times or in certain situations. The way your tongue sticks out when you are very concentrated on something. The way your eyes brighten when someone brings up the twins.

I promise to always be there for you, and our family. To support every decision you make, and to never stop loving you. Nicole, will you do me the extraordinary honor in becoming my wife?" He asks before reaching to grab something from his pocket.

He pulls out a ring box and the tears start leaking from my eyes as he opens the box. He looks into my eyes and I look into his nodding my head like crazy. "Yes." I choke out. Justin grins slipping the ring on my finger where the promise ring is.

He stands up and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around him and place my lips on his. "I love you." Justin says as I pull away.

"I love you too." I grin. Justin returns the grin before claiming my lips with his. The happy years still stream down my face, but neither of us seem of care. We are too wrapped up in our moment to ever notice we are outside. We don't care about that either.
Hoped you liked it... All that's left is the epilogue...

(Her outfit is up top or on the side)

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Love you all...  

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