Chapter 2: Avery's Busted Plan

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"Hello, Aunt Celeste and Uncle Ben! Good morning!"

"Oh, our lovely bubble is here! Hello, sweetheart. Bright and beautiful as always, I see" it was Celeste who's beaming with a smile while looking at the hyper kid in front of her. It is Avery's routine to visit the Alpha's house every morning just to see Jasper. 

"Of course, Aunt Celeste. I have to because I know that I am going to be a queen someday."

"Wow, oozing with confidence! I love that, honey. That's what I like about you. At a young age, you already know what you want and how to get it" Celeste said admirably. The kid's eyes twinkled with her compliment."

"And what is this future, little queenie here doing in the Alpha's house at this time of the day? It's still dawn, you see? Most kids of your age are supposedly still in deep slumbering, curled up on their comfy bed" Ben asked in a teasing manner.

Avery blushed and ran out of words. She tangled her hands on her back while looking anywhere in the Alpha's kitchen but to Uncle Ben. With a fidgety stance, she tried explaining why she's there earlier than her usual routine.

"Well, you know, Uncle Ben… Umn, I heard from Tommy that today's their first day of actual training on the ground. So, I… I have to be here for my idiot brother. Yes, that's it! Today is a special day for him so I'm going to cheer for him" Avery answered in a stuttering manner. Ben and Celeste couldn't help but smirk with the child's answer because they knew what her true purpose was for coming in there that early. Usually, she goes there at 10:00 in the morning. But since it's the first day of actual training on the ground for the next leaders and warriors of their pack where Jasper is included, little kiddo here seems like she doesn't want to miss it.

Ben, unable to hold his laughter anymore, laughs out loud to Avery's amusement. 

"What's so laughable, Uncle Ben?" she asked in confusion with a knot on her forehead.

"Nothing little one. I just found your crazy antics way too cute. Alright then, just make yourself comfortable. Future Alpha Jasper and the warriors will come out any moment soon to proceed on the training ground. Help yourself in, okay?" Ben answered while smiling and patting the kid's head.

"Yep, yep, yep! Bye Uncle Ben and Aunt Celeste. I'll just see you later" And the kid excitedly went inside the house to look for her brother and the person she is truly aiming to see. But as she went near the stairs, Alpha Benedict, together with his Luna, Luna Merian, appeared, and the little girl instantly forgot where she was heading to. She just runs towards the couple while flailing her arms in the air, giggling and shouting for their names to get their attention. The couple couldn't help themselves laughing when they saw the bouncing, chubby and cute kid approaching them. Alpha then lowered himself to the ground and opened his arms as he waited for her to come closer to them to welcome the kid with a warm and big embrace.

"Good morning, my Alpha! Hello, my super graceful and beautiful Luna!"

"Whoa! Wait up, little bubble! What's with your greetings? What, you're doing favoritism now? Why such a grand greeting to your Luna and just a simple, "Good morning, my Alpha'' to me only? Am I not that special to you anymore?" the seemingly sulking Alpha asked the little  girl he's now holding inside his arms. Avery's two eyes widened in guilt and surprise. Then they turned into a soft look as if understanding the Alpha's feeling. With the thought of reassuring her Alpha, she raised her two little hands and held his pitiful face in place and spoke in her softest and sweetest voice that Luna can't help but to giggle from where she stands while her Alpha is playing like a baby again in front of sweet Avery. She bits her lower lip while turning her head sideways as she witnesses her husband's improving acting skill.

"I'm so sorry for making you feel that way, Alpha. It's not like that, okay? Please, don't be jealous anymore. Of course you and Luna will always be the most special to me just like my Momma, Poppie, brother Tommy, and Jazzy" the kid said then rewarded the now grinning-like-an-idiot Alpha with kisses on his cheeks.

"Oh, that's so sweet of you, Avery. Come and give me a hug and kisses as well" said the smiling Luna and took Avery who jumped quickly to her from her husband and greeted her the way she greeted Benedict.

"You are so sweet, bubbles. How I hope that you have been my child too aside from Jasper.

"Oh, sorry, my Luna. But I can't be your daughter just how you wanted."

"And why is that?"

"It's because me and Jazzy will be mated someday. Sacha, our neighbor, said that have I been your daughter, there will be no way that the Moon Goddess will make me Jazzy's mate because that will be an incest. And since he's going to be my mate, I am here to cheer and support him".

"Oh, is that so? What a wiser brat we got here! And to think I almost believed that you are solely here for your brother Tom, eh?"

And the little girl's loud giggling spread throughout the room as soon as the Alpha busted her plan. Her bright and cheerful voice vibrates inside the house. The people around who have been listening to their conversation laugh as well. With Avery's candidness, it's no secret to the whole pack how she claimed Jasper as her future mate which makes their only son very irritated to the kid. While others see her as a cute, bubbly, and sweet kid; Jasper saw her as a manipulative, bratty she-wolf.

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